Wednesday, March 10, 2010

13 Years old Boy Becomes worlds youngest father

Tags:13 Years old Boy Becomes worlds youngest father, and 15 years old mother of the child also with him.

Peruvian five-year-old Lina Medina, accompanied by her 11-month-old-son Gerardo, and Doctor Lozada who attended her son's birth, are shown in this 1940 file photo taken in Lima's hospital.

Peruvian five-year-old Lina Medina, accompanied by her 11-month-old-son Gerardo, and Doctor Lozada who attended her son's birth, are shown in this 1940 file photo taken in Lima's hospital.

When her child was born by Caesarean section in May 1939, Medina made medical history, and is still the youngest known mother in the world.
Lina Medina's parents thought their 5-year-old daughter had a huge abdominal tumor and when shamans in their remote village in Peru's Andes could find no cure, her father carried her to a hospital.
Just over a month later, she gave birth to a boy.
Medina was born on September 27, 1933 in the small village of Paurange. She was only 5 years 8 months old at the birth of her child on Mother's Day, May 14, 1939.
Born at full term at Lima's maternity clinic, her child was taken through a caesarian operation (Dr. Lozada and Busalleu, operators, Dr. Colretta, anesthesiologist). The child (boy), weighing 2,700 grams, was well formed and in good health. Child and mother were able to leave the clinic after only a few days.
Doctor Lozada has conducted very detailed studies since the diagnostic of the pregnancy which aroused much curiosity in the country; he took an x-ray of the child and her baby, established a diagnostic of the fetal situation, observed the state of functionality of the little mother who had begun menstruating at the age of 8 months. At four years old she had already developed breasts as well as pubic hair, her body proportions were a bit amazing and her bone hardening a bit advanced, things that are often observed in cases of such premature pregnancy.
After taunting from schoolmates, Medina's son, Gerardo - who was named after one of the doctors who attended Medina and who became their mentor - discovered when he was 10 that the person he had grown up believing to be his sister was in fact his mother.
Gerardo died in 1979 at age 40 from a disease that attacks the body's bone marrow, but it was said it was not clear there was any link with his illness and the fact his mother had been so young at his birth.
Medina herself married and in 1972 had a second son, 33 years after her first. Her second child now lives in Mexico.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Very Important Announcement

. The Mahdi may appear in 2015.

  . The End of Israel will very likely occur by 2022 (meaning 12 years from now), in-sha-Allah (God Willing) based on numerical analysis of the Quran.

. After Muslims' victory in the Big Battle (Armageddon), Europe will be conquered by Muslims bloodlessly, under the leadership of the Mahdi.

. Then, the Anti-Christ will appear. Jesus (peace be upon him) will return and kill the Anti-Christ.

. Then, Gog & Magog will attack the Muslims. Jesus will pray to God to intervene and God will exterminate Gog & Magog.

. Finally, Jesus will  rule the World, as a Muslim.

. The next Pope, U.S. President, and Israeli Knesset are likely to be the last.

For detailed information about this matter, visit: Signs of Day of Resrrection & End Times
Start spreading the news. Tell (or send emails to) all people you know about this  !

The Return of Jesus

The Return of Jesus عليه السلام
Map of Palestine
The Bible describes in a vivid language the corruption, destruction, and death typifying the end of times. We see the godly forces confronting the evil forces of Satan, the Anti-Christ, and Gog and Magog. We learn that the cataclysmic events will take place in the Middle East. But still the picture needs to be completed.
Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of judgment. Among these, Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم   has foretold the return of Jesus عليه السلام, which will occur AFTER the Anti-Christ (known in Islam as Ad-Dajjal, meaning the Deceiver) who claims to be God and will attempt to deceive people into worshipping him. Jesus (the Messiah) عليه السلام will descend from Heaven in Damascus, pray behind Al-Mahdi (a Muslim Leader), pursue and kill the Anti-Christ, and destroy the savage and unbelieving armies of Gog and Magog, and bring peace and brotherhood to the World.
Christians will recognize the truth and accept Jesus عليه السلام as a Muslim Prophet and Messenger of God; the religion of God (Islam) will justly rule the world. There will be no more oppression  or wars, and peace will prevail. Furthermore, there will be no need to collect Jizyah (tax levied on Christians & Jews in Islamic states) since all the remaining Christians and Jews will become Muslims. Every human being will be financially well-off and no one will accept charity. Jesus عليه السلام will perform Hajj (pilgrimage), marry, remain married for 19 years, beget children, and die after living on Earth for 40 years. His death will signal the beginning of the last days for humanity before the Day of Judgment.
Verses from the Holy Quran relating to the Second Advent of Jesus Son of Mary عليه السلام:
And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) but must believe in him (i.e. Jesus عليه السلام as an messenger of God) before his death. And on the Day of Judgment, he (Jesus عليه السلام) will be a witness against them. (Quran  4: 159)
And (Jesus عليه السلام) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow me (Allah): this is a Straight Path. (Quran 43: 61)
The following Hadiths (sayings) attributed to Prophet Mohammad  are related to the return of Jesus, Son of Mary عليه السلام:
1. "I swear by Him in Whose hand is my soul (refers to swearing by God) that the son of Mary shall descend among you as a just ruler. Then he will break the Cross, and kill the swine and put an end to war (in a variation of this narration, the word Jizyah (tax on Christians & Jews) is mentioned instead of war); A then there will be such abundance of wealth that nobody will like to accept it, and (conditions will be such that) performing of one sajdah (prostration) before Allah will be considered better than the World and what it contains." (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).
2. "Jesus Son of Mary عليه السلام shall descend; then he will kill the swine and destroy the Cross; and a congregation will be held for him for the Prayer; and he will distribute so much wealth that people will be satiated with it; and he will abolish the tribute (Jizya) ; and he will camp at Rawda (a place at a distance 35 miles from Madinah), and from there will go to perform Hajj or 'Umrah, or both." (Sahih Muslim).
3. The Prophet said: "(After mentioning emergence of the Dajjal) While the Muslims will be making preparations to fight him, will be lining up (for the Prayer) and the lqamah will have been pronounced, Jesus Son of Mary عليه السلام shall descend and lead them in the Prayer; and Allah's enemy (Anti-Christ) on seeing him shall start dissolving like salt in water. If Jesus عليه السلام were to leave him (Anti-Christ) alone, he (Anti-Christ) would melt to death anyway, but Allah will have him (Anti-Christ) killed by his (Jesus') hand, and he (Jesus) will show the Muslims his (Anti-Christ's) blood on his (Jesus') spear." (Sahih Muslim).
4. "There is no prophet between me and him (Jesus Christ عليه السلام ), and he shall descend. So, recognize him when you see him. He is a man of medium height, of ruddy and fair complexion; he will be dressed in two yellow garments; the hair of his head will appear as though water was going to trickle down from it, but it will not be wet. He will fight people in the cause of Islam, will break the Cross and kill the swine and will abolish Jizyah; and Allah will put an end to all nations in his time except Islam's Nation; and he will slay the Antichrist (Dajjal); and he will stay in the world for 40 years; then will die and the Muslims will perform the funeral Prayer for him." (Abu Dawud and Ahmad bin Hanbal).
5. "... then Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام will descend. The leader of the Muslims will say to him, 'Come, lead us in the Prayer', but he will say, 'No, you yourselves are leaders over one another ."  This, he will say: this is in view of the honour that Allah has bestowed on this Nation (the Muslim nation)." (Sahih Muslim and Ahmad bin Hanbal)
6. The Prophet (while relating the story of the Dajjal) said: "At that time, suddenly Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام shall appear among the Muslims. Then, the people will stand up for the Prayer, and he (Jesus عليه السلام) will be asked, 'Step forward, Oh Spirit of Allah (and lead us in the Prayer); but he  (Jesus عليه السلام) will say, 'No, your own leader should step forward and lead the Prayer.' Then, after offering the Morning Prayer, the Muslims shall go forth to fight the Dajjal.' He said, 'When the liar (Anti-Christ) will see Jesus عليه السلام, he will start dissolving like salt in water. Then, Jesus عليه السلام   will advance towards him and will slay him; and it will so happen that the trees and the stones will cry out: 'Oh Spirit of Allah, here is a Jew hiding behind me.' None will be left from among the followers of the Dajjal, whom he (Jesus عليه السلام ) will not kill." (Ahmad bin Hanbal).
7. "In the meantime, while the Dajjal will be busy doing this and this, Allah will send down the Messiah son of Mary (Jesus عليه السلام). He (Jesus عليه السلام ) will descend in the eastern part of Damascus, near the white minaret (tower), dressed in the two yellow garments, with his hands resting on the arms of two angels. When he will bend down his head, water drops will appear trickling down, and when he will raise it, it will appear as though pearl--like drops are rolling down. Any disbeliever whom the air of his breath reaches, and it will reach up to the last limit of his sight, will fall dead. Then, the son of Mary will go in pursuit of the Dajjal, and will overtake him at the gate of Lud (a city 13 miles east of Tel Aviv, Israel), and will kill him." (Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah).
8. The narrator of this Hadith based on what he heard from Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم , said: "The Daijal (Anti-Christ) will appear in my Ummah (nation), and will live for forty (I do not know whether he said 40 days, or 40 months or 40 years). Then Allah will send Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام. He  (Jesus عليه السلام) will closely resemble 'Urwah Bin Mas'ud (a Companion of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ). He  (Jesus عليه السلام) will pursue him (Anti-Christ) and kill him. Then, for seven years, the people will live in such a state that there will be no ill-will or enmity between any two individuals of them." (Sahih Muslim).
9. "Then in the morning, Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام will join the Muslims, and Allah will cause the Dajjal and his followers to be routed, until the walls and the roots of the trees will call out: "Oh believer, here is a disbeliever hidden behind me: come and kill him." (Ahmad bin Hanbal and Al-Hakim).
10. "Then Jesus  عليه السلام will descend, and Allah will cause the Dajjal to be killed near the mountain pass of Afiq (in Palestine, few miles from Lake Tiberias, the source of River Jordan) ."  (Ahmad bin Hanbal).
11. "Exactly at the time when the Imam of the Muslims will have stepped forward to lead them in the Morning Prayer, Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام shall descend upon them. The Imam will step back so that Jesus may step forward (to lead the Prayer), but Jesus عليه السلام, placing his hand between his two shoulders, will say, "No, you should lead, for the congregation has assembled to follow you. So, the Imam will lead the Prayer. After the salutation, Jesus will say, "Open the gate;" so the gate will be opened. Outside, there will be the Dajjal, along with 70,000 of the armed Jews. As soon as the Anti-Christ sees Jesus (upon whom be peace), he will start dissolving like salt in water, and will flee. Jesus will say, "I shall strike you a blow which will not allow you survive." And he (Jesus عليه السلام) will overtake him (Anti-Christ) at the eastern gate of Lud (a city 13 miles east of Tel Aviv, Israel), and Allah will cause the Jews to be defeated.... And the Earth will be so filled with the Muslims as a vessel is filled with water. The entire world shall recite and follow one and the same Kalimah (the testimony of Islam: There is no god, but Allah. Mohammad is a Messenger of Allah) and none shall be worshipped except Allah." (Ibn Majah).
12. "The Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan (in Iran) wearing Persian shawls." (Muslim)
13. "How will you be when the Son of Mary (Jesus عليه السلام) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the law of the Quran and not by the law of the Enjil (Gospel)." (Bukhari)
14. "By Him in Whose Hand is my life (meaning I swear By Allah that), Son of Mary (Jesus) will make Talbiya (required declaration) for performing Hajj or for Umrah or for both  in the valley of Rawda." (Sahih Muslim)
15. Narrated by Umm Sharik: I heard Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم  say: "The people would run away from the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) seeking shelter in the mountains. She said: Where would be the Arabs then on that day? He said: They would be small in number."
16. Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم  as saying: "The Last Hour will not come until the Muslims fight against the Jews and the Muslims kill them to the extent that the Jews will hide behind a rock or a tree and the rock or the tree will say: O' Muslim, the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the Gharqad tree ( Boxthorn tree) will not say that, for it is the tree of the Jews." (Sahih Muslim)
Picture of Gharqad tree
A In other words it means: "All kinds of differences among the communities will disappear and human beings will join one community, the Community of Islam; thus, war will be put to an end to, and Jizyah will cease to be imposed."
B A place at a distance of 35 miles from Madinah.
Return Of Prophet Jesus عليه السلام
Brief History of Prophet Jesus عليه السلام
Due to the fact that the Jews had become deaf and blind to the words of God and deviated from the teachings of Moses and the right path, Allah honoured Jesus
عليه السلام with Prophethood and sent him as a messenger to the children of Israel. Bearing all hardships Prophet Jesus عليه السلام spent all day and night conveying the message of Allah. Unfortunately, in spite of his tremendous effort, most of the Children of Israel did not accept his message. Seeing that the poor and weak were becoming inclined towards him and fearing they would lose their leadership, the Jews secretly conspired to kill him. However, Allah saved Prophet Jesus  عليه السلام from their wicked scheme and gave him greater dignity by raising him alive to the heavens.
Allah says in the Quran, "They did not kill him and nor did they crucify him but the resemblance of him (Jesus عليه السلام ) was put over another man and those who differ there in, are in doubt. They have no certain knowledge. They are following nothing but conjecture for surely they did not kill him but Allah raised him up to him." (Surah Nisa)
Allah says in the Quran "When Allah says, Jesus; I will take thee to me and I will purify thee of the unbelievers" (Surah Al-Imran)
These verses clearly prove that the Jews did not kill Prophet Jesus عليه السلام and that he was raised alive to Heaven. It is due to verses like those mentioned above and many authentic Hadiths, we Muslims believe that Prophet Jesus عليه السلام is alive in Heaven at this moment in time. We further believe due to the following verses and authentic Ahadith that Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will return before Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection) and his return is a major sign of Qiyamah:

Allah says in the Quran, "And he (son of Mary) shall be a known sign for (the coming of) the Hour."  (Surah Zukhruf)
Ibn Abbas has said that the meaning of this verse is that Prophet Jesus' 
عليه السلام descent is a sign of Qiyamah. (Ibn Abbas/ Musnad)
Allah says, "There is not a single sect of the People of the Book that will not certainly believe in Jesus before his death and on the Day of Resurrection, he (Jesus) will be a witness against them." (Surah Nisa) This verse clearly indicates that before the death of Prophet Jesus عليه السلام all People of the Book will believe in him as a human prophet. This means there will no longer be Christian or Jews. All of the People of the Book will become Muslims.
Jabir reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "A party of my followers will not cease to fight for victory until the Day of Resurrection. He said, then Jesus, son of Mary, will come down. Their Imam will say, "Come and lead our prayer" He will reply, "Some of you are leaders over others on account of divine honour upon these people."    (Muslim)
Abu Huraira  reported that the Messenger of Allah Peace and blessings be upon himsaid, "By the one whose hands my life is in, surely the Son of  Mary عليه السلام will descend amongst you as a just ruler. He will destroy the cross (this could mean that Jesus will put an end to Christianity), kill the swine (this could mean that Jesus will outlaw raising pigs/swine and eating pork) and abolish the Jizya (this tax will be abolished because all Christians & Jews will become Muslims)."   (Bukhari)
Huzaifa bin Osaid  reported: The Holy Prophet Peace and blessings be upon himsuddenly came to us while we were talking. He asked, "What are you talking about?" They replied "We were talking about the Last Hour." Prophet (s) said, "It will never come until you see ten signs before it. He then mentioned the Smoke, the Dajjal (Anti-Christ), the Daaba, the Rising of the Sun from the place of its setting, the Descent of Jesus son of Mary (from Heaven), Yajuj and Ma'juj (Gog & MaGog)..."  (Muslim)

Prophet Jesus's عليه السلامTasks
Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will have three main tasks, when he descends on the Earth for the second time:
1)  The first and most important will be that he will destroy the Dajjal.
2)  Protect the Muslims from the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Majuj (Gog & MaGog).by taking them to Mount Tur and then praying to Allah to make Yajuj and Majuj perish.
3)  Reign as a Caliph according to the Quran and Sunnah and elevate Islam.

Prophet Jesus's  عليه السلام descent and the killing of Dajjal
The Dajjal having failed to enter the holy city of Madina will proceed to Syria gathering his forces on the way.
Imam Mahdi will have arranged the Muslim army and will be on the verge of leading the Muslims in the dawn (early morning)  prayer (Abu Umamah / Ibn Majah) when Prophet Jesus
عليه السلام will descend to the white Minaret (Nawwas bin Samaan/Muslim) in the east of Damascus, wearing two garments died with saffron, placing his hands on the wings of two angels. All those that are present will recognise him, as he will look exactly like the description of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  . Resembling the Sahabi Urwa bin Masood (Abu- Huraira/ Muslim) the color of his skin will be reddish white (Ibn Abbas/ Bukhari), he will be well-built and his hair will be soft and reach his ears. When he lowers his head, beads of perspiration will fall from it and when he raises his head, beads like pearls will scatter from it.   (Nawwas bin Samaan/Muslim).
However, the following a hadith that seem to indicate that Imam Mahdi will be leading the dawn (early morning) prayer in Jerusalem, not in Damascus, when Jesus descends from Heaven:
Abu Umamah al-Bahili said, " The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  delivered a speech to us, most of which dealt with the Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) and warned us against him. Umm Sharik bint Abi'l-'Akr said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, where will the Arabs be at that time?’ He said, ‘At that time they will be few in number; most of them will be in the Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), and their Imam will be a righteous man. While their Imam is going forward to lead the people in the Salat al-Subh (the morning prayer), 'Isa son of Maryam will descend. The Imam will step back, to let Jesus lead the people in prayer, but Jesus will place his hand between the man's shoulders and say, “Go forward and lead the prayer, for the Iqamah was made for you.” So the Imam will lead the people in prayer… Jesus son of Mary will be a just ruler and leader of my Ummah (Nation). He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizyah (tax on non-Muslims). He will not collect the Sadaqah, so he will not collect sheep and camels. Mutual enmity and hatred will disappear. Every harmful animal will be made harmless, so that a small boy will be able to put his hand into a snake's mouth without being harmed, a small girl will be able to make a lion run away from her, and a wolf will go among sheep as if he were a sheepdog. The earth will be filled with peace as a container is filled with water. People will be in complete agreement, and only Allah will be worshipped. Wars will cease…’” (Ibn Majah, Kitab al-Fitan, Tradition No. 4077, 2: 1363)
" Every Kaafir who smells his sweet breath will die and his breath will reach as far as he can see. On seeing prophet Jesus عليه السلام . Imam Mahdi will take a couple of steps backwards so Prophet Jesus عليه السلام  can lead the prayer however Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will place his hands on the Imam's shoulder and will say, ''Go forward and lead the prayer as the Iqamah was made for you'' thus Imam Mahdi will lead the prayer."   (Abu Umamah/ Ibn-Majah).
After the prayer Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will say, ''Open the gate''. The gate will be opened and the Dajjal will be waiting behind it accompanied by an army of 70,000 Jews, each armed with a sword and shield. The Dajjal on seeing Prophet Jesus عليه السلام among the Muslims will begin to dissolve like salt in water and will begin to flee. Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will say to him, ''You will remain alive until I strike you with my spear, ''He will catch up with him at the Eastern gate of Lud (in Palestine) and then Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will kill him with a small spear.
The Muslims will thereafter defeat and wipe out Dajjal's army. The Jews will not be able to hide behind anything on that day. Every time they try to hide behind a stone, a wall, a tree (except a boxthorn tree), or animal. Allah will make these things speak and they will say, ''O servant of Allah there is a Jew hiding behind me. come kill him.''

The Wisdom in the Descent of Prophet Jesus عليه السلام
Sunni Muslim scholars have given many different reasons for the return of Prophet Jesus عليه السلام to this World. A few are listed below:
1) The Jews believe that they had killed Prophet Jesus
عليه السلام
, Allah will send him before the end of time to prove that they had not killed him and that he is alive. It is he who will kill the Jews and their leader Dajjal.  (Fathul - Bari)
2)  Some Ulama have said that Prophet Jesus 
عليه السلام  found many virtues of the followers of Prophet Muhammad  صلى الله عليه وسلم  in the bible and thus he prayed to Allah to make him amongst the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم . Allah answered his prayer and he will return for the second time as one of the followers of Prophet Muhammad  صلى الله عليه وسلم
.     (Ibn Khathir)
3)  It is the Law of Allah that anything that is created from the Earth has to be buried in the Earth and not the Heavens. Thus he will return to the Earth for the second time, kill the Dajjal, live for a period of time and then he will die a natural death and will be buried with the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
.   (Ashratus-Sa'ah).

Prophet Jesus (as) and the Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog Magog)
A short period after Prophet Jesus عليه السلام has killed the Dajjal, the two mighty tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj will appear, causing murder, pillage and devastation wherever they go. The emergence of Ya'juj and Ma'juj is also another major sign of Qiyamah. Through the invocation of Prophet Jesus عليه السلام they will be destroyed.  (Nawwas bin Samaan/ Muslim).

Prophet Jesus عليه السلام  as a Ruler
Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "By him whose hands my life is in, surely the son of Mary will come down amongst you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the tax. Wealth will be in such abundance that none will care about it and a single prostration in a Prayer will be better than the world and all that is in it."  ( Bukhari, Muslim)

The above hadith clearly indicates that when Prophet Jesus
عليه السلام  returns to the world for the second time he will not reign as a Prophet nor will he bring a new Shariah (Law) or scriptures, as Islam is the final version of God's religion, the Quran is the last book to be revealed and our Prophet Muhammad  صلى الله عليه وسلم  is the last Prophet. There is no new prophet to come after him and the Quran has made this fact very clear.
Allah says in the Qur'an, "Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  is not the father of any of you but is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets."   (Surah Al-Ahzaab)
When Prophet Jesus  عليه السلام returns for the second time, he will reign as a Caliph and not a Prophet, follow the Qur'an and Sunnah and rule according to it. He will break the cross the Christians worship (indicating that he will bring Christianity to an end), elevate and spread Islam through out the world.
He will also kill the pig which the Christians consider Halal to eat (and use) and abolish the Jizya (tax). In Prophet Jesus عليه السلام  reign they will not pay this tax because he will not accept anything but Islam for the non believers and they will all believe in him. The Qur'an says, "There is not a single sect of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) that will not recognize him and on the Day of Resurrection, he (Jesus) will be a witness against them."   (Surah-An-Nisa)
Muslims under the leadership of Jesus will rule the World. Thawban said that The Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "Allah, the Exalted, unfolded for me the Earth, to the extent that I saw its Eastern and Western sides (i.e. the extremities). The Kingdom of my Ummah (nation) will reach as far as what has been unfolded to me. The two treasures, the red (Persian Kingdom) and the white (Roman Empire), were bestowed on me.... By Him in Whose Hands Muhammad's life is, you will spend the treasures of both of them for the sake of Allah." (Ibn Kathir)
The word of Islam will spread throughout the World, enter every home, and no one will be left who has not heard of it. Al-Miqdad ibn Aswad said I heard the Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم  say: "Not a dwelling (house) whether of brick, or fur will remain on the surface of the Earth that Allah will not ensure that the word of Islam enters it, either honoring an honorable person or disgracing an abject person." (Imam Ahmad, At-Tabarani, Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim)
Blessings at the time of Prophet Jesus عليه السلام
All types of spiritual and worldly blessings will descend on Earth in his time.
-  There will be an abundance in wealth. Wealth will flow like water. The Islamic government will be wealthy and all people will be financially well-off, having lots of wealth and property, to the extent that nobody will be in the need of Zakat (tax) and Sadaqa (charity). People will no longer have to pay Zakat and Sadaqa.
- All hearts will be free from misery, envy, malice, and jealousy.
- Each harmful animal will be made harmless. Camels will graze with the lions and the cheetahs with cattle. A little girl will chase a lion and make it run away from her like children chasing a puppy and this lion will not harm her. Venom will be taken out from all venomous animals, a little boy will put his hand in a snake's mouth, but it will not harm him. The wolf will live with the sheep and protect them as if it were a sheep dog.
- Peace, harmony and tranquillity will prevail in the world. People will be in complete agreement, wars will cease, the earth will be filled with peace like a silver basin and it will sprout with vegetation like at the time of Prophet Adam عليه السلام .
- The fertility of the land will increase to the extent that if a seed is planted in a rock, it will sprout. 700 mudd of wheat will sprout without ploughing the land. The Earth will produce so much fruit that a large group of people will sit to eat a bunch of grapes or a pomegranate and they will be satisfied and use it's peel as an umbrella.
- There will also be blessing in milk. The milk of a single she camel will be sufficient to satisfy the hunger of a large group of people. A cow will produce what is sufficient for a tribe of people, and a sheep will produce milk, which is sufficient for a family of people.
- Horses will be cheap as they will be never ridden in war and bulls will be expensive, as they will be needed to plough the land.
- Life will be very pleasant and enjoyable after Jesus' descent from Heaven and people will live in comfortably during Jesus' reign as a Muslim Caliph.   (Nawwas bin Sarnaan /Muslim and Abu Umamah/Ibn Majah)


Many Hadiths specify that after Jesus returns to Earth, he will get married,  have children, and will live for a period of 19 years after his marriage.  (Al-Fitan Nuaim bin Hammad).


Prophet Jesus عليه السلام  after his return to the Earth for a second time will live for a period of time (possibly 40 years according to a Hadith in Abu Dawud) and thereafter will die due to natural causes. The Muslims will perform his Janaza (funeral prayers). According to the hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Amr in Mishkat, he will be buried next to Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم .

Shia's Imam Mahdi

The Shia are waiting for their Twelfth Imam, sometimes referred to as Imam Mahdi or Qaem, to appear. The evidence suggests that the person that the Shia will take as their Twelfth Imam will be none other than Dajjal (the Anti-Christ). The Ahlus Sunnah (Sunni Muslims) should thus always keep in mind that the Shia are the future followers of Dajjal (Anti-Christ).

Jewish Law

The “Qaem” (Imam Mahdi) of the Shia will rule according to the Laws of David and the family of David, according to the Shia Hadith in Al-Kafi, the most reliable of the four books of Shia Hadith. All of the following Shia Hadith come from the same section in Al-Kafi reported by Al-Kulyani, located in Al-Kafi (Volume No.1, p.387-398):

Narrated Ali ibn Ibrahim -from his father-from ibn Abi Umair-from Mansour-from Fadhl al Aour-from Abi Ubaidah who reported: “When the Qaem of the household of the Prophet appears, he will rule according to rule of David and Solomon.”

Muhammad ibn Yahya-Ahmad ibn Muhammad-Muhammad ibn Sinaan-Abaan who reported: “I heard Abu Abdullah[as] saying: "The world will not fade away unless a person from us appears who will rule according to the rule of the family of David.”

Ahmad–Ahmad ibn Muhammad–Ibn Mahboob–Hisham ibn Salim–Ammar as Saabati who reported: “I asked Abu Abdullah [as] : "On what will you rule if you are made the rulers." He replied: "By the rule of God and the rule of David. And if we are confronted by a situation which we cannot solve, Gabriel (Ruh al Quds) will reveal it to us.”

Muhammad ibn Ahmad– Muhammad ibn Khalid– Nazr ibn Suwaid– Yahya al Halabi– Imran ibn Oueiyn– Jaeed al Hamdani– Ali ibn al-Hussein [as] said: “I asked him by which law will you rule?” He said: “By the rule of David, and if there is something which we are unaware of, Gabriel (Ruh al Quds) will reveal it to us.”

Ahmad ibn Mahran[ra]–Muhammad ibn Ali–Ibn Mahboob–Hishaam bin Salim–Ammar as Saabati reported: “I asked Imam Abu Abdullah [as]: ‘By what will you rule?’ He replied: ‘By the rule of God, and by the rule of David.”


Furthermore, the 12th Imam will speak in Hebrew:

Reported to us Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Saeed al Uqdah who said: Narrated to us Ali ibn al-Hasan at-Taymali who said: narrated to us al-Hasan and Muhammad the sons of Ali ibnu Yusuf, from Sa’daan ibnu Muslim, from rajaal, from al-Mufadhaal ibn Umar who said: Abu Abdullah [as] reported: “When the Imam Mahdi calls out, he will supplicate to God in Hebrew.” [Al-Ghaybaa of an Numani, p.326]

Jewish Followers

According to the Shia, the Jews will also be the followers of Imam Mahdi:

Sheikh al-Mufeed has reported in his Al-Irshaad from al=Mufadhaal ibnu Umar that Imam Abu Abdullah [as] has reported: “There will appear along with Imam Mahdi…people from the tribe of Moses.” [Al-Irshaad of Al-Mufeed Al-Tusi p.402]

According to Shia Hadith in Al-Kafi, the Hidden Imam Mahdi learns from a book called Al-Jafr, which contains the knowledge from the Israelites:

The Imams (a.s.) remained silent for a while and then said, “With us there is al-Jafr (the parchment). What do they know what al-Jafr is?” I then asked, “What is al-Jafr (the parchment or a container) ?” The Imams (a.s.) said, “It is a container made of skin that contains the knowledge of the prophets and the executors of their wills and the knowledge of the scholars in the past from the Israelites.” [al-Kafi, Hadith 635, Ch. 40, Vol. 1]


All of these narrations from Shia's books lead us to believe that the Shia’s 12th Imam is actually the Jewish Dajjal (Anti-Christ) that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) warned us about, who would mislead many and create destruction on earth. This is man who the Shia are waiting for. According to the evidence, this is what we know about their “Qaem/ Mahdi”:

1. He will rule according to the laws of the family line of prophet David, using the Talmud.

2. His language will be Hebrew.

3. His followers will be of the Jews and Israelites, for he is the king of the Jews.

4. The Hidden Imam learns from the Talmud which is contained in the “Jafr.”

Hadith of the Ahlus Sunnah

Let us now examine the true Hadith from the Ahlus Sunnah in regards to the Jewish Dajjal that is prophesied to appear:

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) told us in Hadith that " Allah will grant the Muslims victory over Dajjal and the Muslims will kill him and his Shia; when the Shia of Dajjal hide behind a tree or a stone, then the tree and the stone will say to the Muslim that there is a Jew behind me come and kill him." (Musnad Imam Ahmad #5099)

Is it simply a coincidence that this Hadith uses the Arabic word “shia” to describe the followers of Dajjal?
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said:
“To every Ummah (nation) there is a Magian (Zoroastrian) and the Magian of this Ummah (Muslim nation) are those who reject the Qadr (pre-destination). If anyone amongst them dies, do not attend their funeral, and if anyone amongst them becomes sick, don’t visit them and they are Shia of the Dajjal and it is the right of God to join them with the Dajjal.” (Sunan Abu Dawud #4072)
The Shia reject the concept of Qada (pre-destination) and instead have adopted the Mutazalite school of thought which rejects Qadr (pre-destination). The descendants of the Magians are none other than the Persians who mix Magianism (Zoroastrian religion) with Islam?
And perhaps most conclusive of all is the prophecy of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم in which he said:
“The Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will be followed by 70,000 Jews of Isfahan, having on themselves Persian shawls.” [Sahih Muslim #5227]
Why would the Jews be wrapped with Persian shawls? Today, 90% of Persian (Iranians) are Shia. Shouldn’t the Ahlus Sunnah (Sunnis) be prepared to deal with this potential secret alliance between the Jews and the Persian Shia?
The Shia ask Allah to hasten the coming of their Hidden Imam Mahdi who is locked up and hidden somewhere. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) has promised that the Jewish Dajjal will also be locked away somewhere and hidden from the world, as reported in the narration of Tamim ad-Darri in Sahih Bukhari.
Indeed, the founder of Shi’ism was the Jewish Abdullah ibn Saba and the so-called “savior” of the Shia will be the Jewish Dajjal (Anti-Christ). Of course, we don’t know this for certain and it is only a theory, but the evidence suggests that it is a highly likely scenario.

Shia's 12th Imam is in fact the Dajjal (Anti-Christ)

Minor Signs of the End Times

Minor Signs are expected to occur in the End Times. Generally speaking, the Minor Signs either: (a) precede the beginning of the Major Signs, or (b) occur after the beginning of the Major Signs, but they are not significant enough to warrant classifying them as Major Signs.

No single Hadith lists all the minor signs, but there are hundreds of minor signs mentioned in hundreds of Hadiths. These Hadiths do not usually mention that they are Minor Signs. On the other hand, there are Hadiths that all of the Major Signs. So, we can classify as Minor Signs, those signs not listed among the Major signs.

Today, almost all of the Minor Signs have been fulfilled.

Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, There are two types among the people of Hell whom I have not yet seen. The first are people who have whips like the tails of oxen, with which they beat people, and the second are women who are naked in spite of being dressed; they will be led astray and will lead others astray, and their heads will look like camels humps. These women will not enter Paradise; they will not even experience the faintest scent of it, even though the fragrance of Paradise can be perceived from such a great distance.

Anas ibn Malik said, The Prophet was asked, O Messenger of Allah, (what will happen) when we stop enjoining good and forbidding evil? He said, When what happened to the Israelites happens among you: when fornication becomes widespread among your leaders, knowledge is in the hands of the lowest of you, and power passes into the hands of the least of you. (Ibn Majah.)

Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "The Prophet said: 'If my Ummah (nation) bears fifteen traits, tribulation will befall it.' Someone asked, 'What are they, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor; when a trust becomes a means of making a profit; when paying Zakat (required Charitable tax paid by Muslims) becomes a burden; when a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly whereas he shuns his father; when voices are raised in the mosques; when the leader of a people is the worst among them; when people treat a man with respect because they fear some evil he may do; when much wine is drunk; when men wear silk; when female singers and musical instruments become popular; when the last ones of this Ummah curse the first ones - then let them expect a red wind, or the earth to swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.'" (Tirmizi)

Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "The Prophet led us in praying Salat al-Fajr (the morning prayer). After he finished, a man called to him: 'When will the Hour be? The Prophet reprimanded him and said 'Be quiet!'. After a while he raised his eyes to the sky and said, 'Glorified be the One Who raised it and is taking care of it.' Then he lowered his gaze to the earth and said, 'Glory be to the One Who has outspread it and has created it (meaning Glory to Allah).' Then the Prophet said, 'Where is the one who asked me about the Hour?' The man knelt down and said, 'I asked you.' The Prophet said, 'The Hour will come when leaders are oppressors, when people believe in the stars and reject Al-Qadar (the Divine Decree of destiny) when a trust becomes a way of making a profit, when people give to Sadaqah (charity or alms) reluctantly, when adultery becomes widespread - when this happens, then your people will perish.'"

Imran ibn Husayn said, "The Prophet said, 'Some people of this Ummah will be swallowed up by the earth, some will be transformed into animals, and some will be bombarded with stones.' One of the Muslims asked, 'When will that be, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'When singers and musical instruments will become popular, and much wine will be drunk.'" (Tirmizi)

Abu Hurairah said, I heard the Prophet saying to Thawban, O Thawban, what will you do when the nations invite one another to invade you as people invite one another to eat a dish? Thawban said, May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! Is it because we will be few in number? The Prophet said, No, on that day, you (Muslims) will be a lot, but Allah will put Wahan (weakness) in your hearts. The people asked, O Messenger of Allah, What is Wahan (weakness)? He said, 'It is love of this World and dislike of death' (meaning you do not fight because you fear death). (Ahmad, Abu Dawud)

Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, Woe to the Arabs from the great evil which is nearly approaching them: it will be like patches of dark night. A man will wake up as a believer, and be a kafir (unbeliever) by nightfall. People will sell their religion for a small amount of worldly goods. The one who clings to his religion on that day will be as one who is grasping an ember - or thorns. (Ahmad.)

Abu Hurairah said, "The Prophet said, The Hour will not come until the following events have come to pass: two large groups will fight the another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religious teaching. Nearly thirty Dajjals will appear, each of them falsely claiming to be a Messenger from Allah. Knowledge will disappear, earthquakes will increase, time will pass quickly, Fitnas (strifes, trials, and Tribulations) will appear, and Harj (killing) will increase. Wealth will increase, so that a wealthy man will worry lest no-one accept his Zakat, and when he offers it to anyone, that person will say, I am not in need of it. People will compete in constructing high buildings. When a man passes by someone’s grave, he will say, Would that I were in his place! The sun will rise from the west; when it rises and the people see it, they will believe, but, 'No good will it do to a soul to believe then, if it will not have already believed or earned righteousness through its faith ...' (Quran, Al-Anam 6:158) The Hour will come suddenly: when a man has milked his she-camel and taken away the milk, but he will not have time to drink it; before a man repairing a tank for his livestock will be able to put water in it for his animals; and before a man who has raised a morsel of food to his mouth will be able to eat it." (Bukhari)

Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, Time will pass rapidly, knowledge will decrease, miserliness will become widespread in peoples hearts, afflictions will appear, and there will be much Harj. The people asked, O Messenger of Allah, what is Harj? He said, Killing, killing! (Bukhari)

Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, The Hour will not come before the Euphrates (river which passes through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq) uncovers a mountain of gold (this does not have to be gold, but it must be something very valuable), for which people will fight. Ninety-nine out of every hundred will die, but every one among them will say that perhaps he will be the one who will survive (and thus possess the gold). (Muslim) Abu Hurairah also said, The Prophet said, the Euphrates will disclose a golden treasure. Whoever is present at that time should not take anything of it.

Huzaifah said, The Prophet told us two Hadith, one of which I have seen fulfilled, and I am waiting for the fulfilment of the other. The Prophet told us that honesty came down into men's hearts (from Allah); then they learned it from the Quran, and then from the Sunnah. The Prophet told us that honesty will be taken away. He said, Man will be overtaken by sleep, during which honesty will be taken away from his heart, and only traces of it will remain.... Then man will be overtaken by slumber again, during which honesty will decrease even further, until its traces will resemble a blister such as is caused when an ember is dropped onto ones foot: it swells, but there is nothing inside. People will be carrying on with their trade, but there will hardly be any trustworthy persons. People will say: 'there is an honest man in such-and-such a tribe'. Later they will say about some man: 'What a wise, polite and strong man he is!' - although he will not have faith even the size of a mustard-seed in his heart... (Bukhari.)

Hadith - Bukhari 9.237, Narrated Abu Huraira

Allah's Messenger said, "The Hour will not occur

(1) until two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine,

(2) until about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah's Messenger,

(3) until the religious knowledge is taken away (by the death of religious scholars)

(4) until earthquakes increase in number

(5) until time passes quickly,

(6) until afflictions appear,

(7) until Al-Harj (i.e., killing) will increase,

(8) until wealth will be in abundance--so abundant that a wealthy person will worry lest nobody should accept his Zakat (charity), and whenever he will present it to someone, that person (to whom it will be offered) will say, 'I am not in need of it,'

(9) until the people compete with one another in constructing high buildings,

(10) until a man when passing by a grave of someone will say, 'Would that I were in his place,'

(11) and until the sun rises from the West.

So, when the sun rises and the people see it (rising from the West), they will all believe (embrace Islam), but that will be the time when: (As Allah in the Quran said,) "The day when some signs of your Lord will come, no good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his faith." (Surah Al-An'aam 6.158)

The Hour will occur while two men spreading a garment in front of them but they will not be able to sell it, nor fold it up; and the Hour will be established when a man has milked his she-camel and has taken away the milk but he will not be able to drink it; and the Hour will be established before a man repairing a tank (for his livestock) is able to water (his animals) in it; and the Hour will be established when a person has raised a morsel (of food) to his mouth but will not be able to eat it."

The main Minor Signs include:

The Prophethood of Muhammad [passed]

The death of the Prophet [passed]

The conquering of Bait ul-Maqdis [passed]

Trials and civil strife [passed]:

(i) The appearance of troubles in the east

(ii) The killing of Uthmaan (ra)

(iii) The battle of al-Jamaal

(iv) The battle of Siffeen

(v) The appearance of the Khawaarij

(vi) The happening of al-Harrah

(vii) The appearance of the saying that the Quran is create

(viii) The following of the ways of the previous nations

The appearance of claimants to Prophethood [passed]

Widespread safety [passed]

Fighting the Turks [passed]

Fighting the non-Arabs [passed]

Disappearance of trustworthiness [passed]

Disappearance of knowledge and appearance of ignorance [passed]

Increase in the number of police and helpers of the oppressors [passed]

Spread of fornication [passed]

Spread of usury [passed]

Spread of musical instruments [passed]

Drinking of intoxicants and it being allowed [passed]

Adorning the mosques and rivaling therein [passed]

Building tall buildings [passed]

The slave girls giving birth to her mistress (the daughter of her master) [passed]

Increase in killing [passed]

Time passing quickly [passed]

Coming together of markets [passed]

Appearance of Shirk in this Ummah [passed]

Appearance of wickedness, cutting off of relations and ill treatment of neighbors [passed]

Dying of gray hairs with black dye [passed]

Increase of extreme miserliness [passed]

Increase in trade [passed]

Increase in earthquakes [passed]

Appearance of sinking into the earth, transformation into animals and false-accusations [passed]

The passing away of the pious [passed]

The raising of the despicable people to positions of importance [passed]

Greeting is given only to people a person knows [passed]

That knowledge is sought from other than the scholars in truth [passed]

Appearance of women in clothes which do not cover them [passed]

The truthfulness of the dreams of the Believers [passed]

Spread and increase in writing [passed]

Laxity with regard to the Sunnah [passed]

Increase in size of the new moons (satellites) [passed]

Increase in falsehood and having no concern to check reports [passed]

Increase in false testimony and withholding true witness [passed]

Women will be much more than men in number [passed]

Sudden death being common [passed]

Spread of hatred amongst peoples [passed]

Wishing for death because of the severity of trials [passed]

Increase in the number of ‘Romans’ (pagans/Christians) and their fighting the Muslims [passed]

The expelling by al-Madina of its wicked people [passed]

The return of the land of the Arabs to being pastures and rivers

Increase in rain but decrease in agriculture

The revealing of a mountain of gold by the Euphrates river

The talking of wild animals and inanimate objects to people

The appearance of al-Qahtani

Rising of the Sun from the West

According to NASA, the speed of planet Mars has been decreasing in its course toward the eastern direction in the past few weeks to the level we notice the "waver" between the east and the west. On Wednesday the 30th of July, 2009, the planet movement stopped going toward the eastern direction.. Then in the months of August and September...Mars changed its course in the opposite direction to the West- and that until the end of September.. the sun will rise now from the west on Mars!! And this weird phenomena of the opposite movement called "Retrograde Motion". Most scientist state that all the planets will go through the same once at least and our planet Earth is one of them. Planet Earth will move in the opposite direction some day and the sun will rise from the west!!

Islam is the only religion that prophesies that the sun will rise from the West, instead of from rising from the East, in the last phase of the End Times, before Day of Judgement. Both the Quran and the Hadith affirm that this phenomenon will take place. The occurrence of this phenomenon is considered in Islam as one of the major signs that indicate the Day of Judgement is very close.

Allah says in the Qur'an, "The day when some signs of your Lord will come, no good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his faith." (Surah Al-An'aam)

The verse is referring to the rising of the sun from the West, as is the opinion of the majority of the commentators such as Tabari and Ibn Kathir.

Imam Tabari, after mentioning the different opinions of the commentators writes, "The most correct opinion in regards to the meaning of this verse is that what is apparent from the reports narrated from the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم that he said, "Becoming a Believer will be of no benefit after the sun rises from the West." (Tabari)

Abu Huraira reported that the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Hasten to do good deeds before six (things happen): Rising of the sun from the West..." (Mishkat)

Abdullah-bin-Umar said, "I memorized a Hadith from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم which I have not forgotten. I heard the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم say, 'The first of the Signs that will come is the rising of the sun from the place of its setting and the emergence of the Daabba to people in Duha (later portion of the morning). Whichever of these two occurs before the other, then the other is right behind it." (Muslim)

Door of Tawba (Repentance) will be Closed

Once the sun has risen from the West, the door of repentance for sins committed by Muslims will be closed by Allah and will remain closed until the Day of Judgement. The following Hadiths clearly specify that the deadline for repentance to be accepted by God ends when the sun rises from the West. Once the sun rises from the West, repentance will no longer be accepted.

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Verily Allah extends his hand at night so that the sinners of the day may repent and verily extends his hand during the day so that the sinners of the night may repent, (He will keep on doing this) as long as the sun does not rise from the West." (Abu-Musa Al-Ashari/ Muslim)

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Allah has built a door of repentance where the sun sets, its breadth requires 70 years journey for foot passenger or 40-70 years for a rider. It will not be closed as long as the Sun does not rise from the West." (Safwan bin Assal / Tirmizi)

Ibn Hajar has mentioned many Hadiths which prove that the door of repentance will remain closed till the Day of Judgement and thereafter writes, ''These narrations give strength to one another, agreeing completely in that once the sun rises from the West, the door of repentance will be closed and will not be opened thereafter.'' (Fathul- Bari)

Becoming a Believer after the Sun rises from the West will not be accepted by Allah

Abdullah bin Abu-Owfa reported that I heard the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم say, "Verily a night equivalent to three of your nights will come upon people. When it comes, those who engage themselves in worship during the night will recognize it. A person will stand in prayer, read a section of the Quran and then go to sleep. Thereafter, he will wake up (for the second time) stand in prayer and read a section of the Quran, then go to sleep. While this condition remains, the people will begin to shout, scream and call one another. They will say, "What's this?" With fear, they will run to the mosque. To their surprise, they will see that the sun has risen from the West. When it reaches the middle of the sky, it will return and set in the West." He said صلى الله عليه وسلم , "That is when becoming a believer (in Islam after witnessing this Sign from Allah) will no longer be of benefit (because after the sun rises from the West, Allah will no longer accept declarations of faith )." (An-Nihaya)

Narrated by Abu Huraira, "Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said, 'The Hour will not come until the sun rises from the West. When the people witness this, everyone who will be living on the face of the Earth will develop faith (becomes a Muslim and a Believer in Allah), but that is when believing will no longer be of benefit..." (Bukhari)

When will this Sign occur ?

There are two views regarding The Sun rising from the West

1. It may occur before the emergence of the Dajjal and even before rise of the Mahdi.

2. It may occur after the descent of Jesus and before the last three Major Signs (Pleasant Wind, Destruction of Ka'ba, and the Fire).

What is clear based on several Hadiths is that the Daabba will come immediately after or immediately before The Sun rising from the West.

A Muslim Scholar says that the Sun will rise from the West because the Earth is slowing down in revolving around itself

Egyptian scientist Dr. Zaghloul Naggar explains the Earth is slowing down and will reverse its rotation pattern and thus the Sun will appear as if it rising from the West

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