Saturday, March 6, 2010

Carrion , Blood & Pork

Allah says in His Honourable Book; “ He has forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine.” (2: 173)
  إنما حرم عليكم الميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير (البقرة 173)
 He the Almighty also said:   “Forbidden to you are carrion, blood and flesh of swine, and that which has been hallowed to other than Allah, and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; and that which has been partly eaten by a wild animal-excepting that you have sacrificed duly…” (4:3)

حرمت عليكم الميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير وما أهل لغير الله به والمنخنقة والموقوذة والمتردية والنطيحة وما أكل السبع إلا ما ذكيتم (المائدة 3)

Prohibition of eating carrion:

What is the reasoning of totally forbidding dead meat?

It has been proved on a conclusive scientific basis that the body of a dead animal reserves  blood with all sediments and toxins, particularly which are in the arterial blood.  Blood could then prevail in the tissues and thus the toxins start to function in all body cells, thus the dead body changes colour to darker and the superficial veins are filled with blood, and blood circulation stops with no chance of leaking any amount of blood outside the body.  The dead body becomes a spoilt deposit for diseases and microbes.  The work of decay then starts in the body, affecting the meat in colour, taste and smell.  So meat of dead bodies is foul and un-good.   Allah says; “They will question thee what is permitted them.  Say; ‘The good things are permitted you….’” (4:4)

( يسألونك ماذا أحل لهم ، قل أحل لكم الطيبات ((المائدة 4 )
Due to the decay enzymes, the dead meat loses all nutrient elements, and becomes valueless.  Allah says; “This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; but it is a confirmation of what is before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book wherein there is no doubt- from the Lord of all beings.”  (Younos :37)
(ومـا كـان هـذا القـرآن أن يفترى من دون الله ولكن تصـديق الذي بين يديه وتفصـيل الكتـاب لا ريب فيه من رب العالمين  ) يـونس (37)

Dead cow .. 

Kinds of carrion

    * Strangled: It has been scientifically proved that the animal if strangled, i.e., oxygen is not allowed to pass into its lungs, toxic carbon dioxide, as well as poisonous secretions accumulate in its body.
    * Killed by a violent blow, i.e., a cattle beaten to death by a stick or a stone.
    * Killed by a headlong fall, i.e., falling from a height.
    * Killed by being gored to death, i.e., by another cattle.
    * The remnants of a cattle partly eaten by a wild animal.  This is prohibited for a great divine reason.  Modern medical science has recently discovered that germs and microbes are transferred to the prey when grabbed by the wild animal’s claws, thus causing diseases to transfer to whoever eats the prey’s meat.  Wild animals in general are infected with a disease that lies in their mouths and saliva, which in turn are transferred to the body of the prey, causing great harm to eaters of such meat. 

Prohibition of blood:

Blood in the living creature has two main functions :
(1) it transfers nutrients absorbed by the intestines such as proteins, sugars, and fats, as well as vitamins, hormones and oxygen and all other vital necessary substances to body organs and muscles. 
(2) it carries harmful  body substances in the animal body for disposal through urine, sweat or stool.  If the animal is diseased, microbes are multiplied in its blood, using it as the media for moving from one part to another, and this is where hazards lie.  If man drinks blood, all these microbes and excretions will be carried to man, thus leading to so many diseases such hyper-uremia leading to renal failure, or hyper-ammoniaemia leading to hepatic coma.
Many germs carried by blood causes irritation to the membranes of stomach and intestines, leading to lots of diseases. 
For all these reasons, Islam’s legal method of slaughter dictates that the animal be cleared of blood after slaughtering, so that cattle’s blood is not allowed by any means to enter the human body.  This has been revealed long before microscopes are invented by man, or information of such microbes and germs has reached man’s knowledge.

Prohibition of the flesh of swine (pork) :

The Moslem is submissive to Allah’s commands even if the underlying wisdom is not yet revealed.
All that the believers say, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger, that he my judge between them, is that they say; ‘We hear and we obey’; those – they are the prosperers.” (24: 51)

(إنما كان قول المؤمنين إذا دعواإلى الله ورسوله ليحكم بينهم أن يقولوا سمعنا وأطعنا، وأولئك هم المفلحون (النور 51

 Eating pork is prohibited in Islam

Some recent western studies revealed that eaters of the flesh of swine (pork) carry the same characteristics of swine.

The Quran adopts the preventive method, whether for medical or social diseases, and their causes.   This is much more better than the claims of the West and their inventions in the field of treatment which require lots of money, with no guarantee as to the positive results.  No matter how the west is trying to beautify the image of the swine, by providing the most up to date equipment of caring and cleanliness, this will not counteract the fixed reality discovered by their own scientists of the worms and diseases contained in the body of the swine as compared to other animals.

Eating pork is harmful to health in a great many regards. This harm still persists today, despite all the precautions that are taken. First and foremost, no matter how clean the farms and environments on which it is raised may be, the pig is not by nature a clean-living animal. It often plays in, and even eats, its own excrement. Due to this and its biological structure, the pig produces much higher levels of antibodies in its body than other animals. In addition, far higher levels of growth hormone are produced in the pig compared to those in other animals and human beings. Naturally, these high levels of antibodies and growth hormone pass across to and collect in the pig's muscle tissue. Pork meat also contains high levels of cholesterol and lipids (the rate of cholesterol is almost 15 times more than its rate in cows) . It has been scientifically proven that these significant amounts of antibodies, hormones, cholesterol and lipids in pork represent a serious threat to human health.
The existence of above-average numbers of obese individuals in the populations of countries such as the USA and Germany, in which large quantities of pork are consumed, is now well-known. When exposed to excessive quantities of growth hormone as a result of a pork-based diet, the human body first puts on excessive weight and then suffers physical deformations.
Another harmful substance in pork is the "trichina" worm. This is frequently found in pork and when it enters the human body, it settles directly in the muscles of the heart and represents a possibly fatal threat. Even though it is now technically possible to identify pigs that are infected with trichina, no such methods were known in earlier centuries. That means that everyone who ate pork risked infection by trichina and possible death.
Another disease is the  "Tapeworm"  which is transmitted from the pig to man’s intestines.  It is a few meters long, and has about 22-32 hooks in the head, with which it clings to the intestine wall.  The larva leaks into the stream of blood and settles in one of the body organs such as the heart, the liver or the eye, where it vesiculates.  Settling in the brain, being its favourite place, the worm can cause epilepsy.  This is the difference between the hazards of the tapeworm that is transmitted from the swine to man, and that which is transmitted from another beast such as the cow for example.   The worm of the latter have no such grievous power to roam and travel with its larva in the human body to destroy it in a vicious violence.
All these reasons are just a part of the wisdom in our Lord's prohibition on the consumption of pork. Moreover, this commandment of our Lord's provides complete protection from the harmful effects of pork under any conditions.
Until the 20th century, it was impossible to be aware of the danger posed to human health by pork. The fact that the Quran, revealed fourteen centuries ago, warns against this harm which has been incontrovertibly revealed with modern medical equipment and biological tests, is one of the miracles demonstrating that the Quran is the revelation of Allah, the Omniscient. Despite all the precautionary measures and inspections that take place in modern-day pig rearing, the fact that pork is physiologically incompatible with the human body and is a variety of meat harmful to human health has not altered.
“Surely this Quran guides to the way that is straightest…” (17 :9)
(إن هذا القرآن يهدي للتي هي أقوم) الإسراء 9


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