Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Dajjal (Anti-Christ)

Dajjal in Arabic means Deceiver or Liar. The emergence of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) is the most dangerous among the signs that indicate the Day of Judgment is approaching because his trials & tribulations will be the biggest ever experienced since the dawn of history and even people with strong faith will be shaken. Allah created the Dajjal to test people's faith.
Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  told us that, " No tribulation on the face of the Earth since Allah created Adam will be greater than the trial of the Dajjal. Verily, no prophet was sent who did not warn his people of the Dajjal..." (Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaymah, and Al-Hakim).
The Messenger of Allah  صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "Between the creation of Prophet Adam عليه السلام and the coming of the Last Hour, there will arise no tribulation more serious than the Dajjal." (Imran bin Hussain/ Sahih Muslim)
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said "Every Prophet from the first to the last warned and informed his people about the Dajjal due to the severity of  his trials & tribulations."  (Anas / Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim). According to variations of this Hadith, "...No prophet was sent who did not warn his people of the Dajjal..."
Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم   said: "The Hour will not occur until 30 Dajjals  (Deceivers or False Prophets) appear, and all of them claim to be of prophet of Allah." (Abu Dawud) In a variation of this Hadith, Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: : "The Hour will not occur until 30 lying Dajjals (Deceivers or False Prophets) appear, and all of them lie about Allah and Allah's Messenger." (Abu Dawud)
Out of these 30 Dajjals, the last one will be the most evil one. He is the Anti-Christ and one of one or two eyes deformed (or disfigured).
The Dajjal will appear once the Muslim army has conquered Constantinople and reached Syria. Emerging from the East, moving from city to city, he will perform super-natural acts and cause Fitna (trials & tribulations) wherever he goes.
Since the Jews have persecuted Jesus when he was sent by God the first time, attempted to crucify him and still do not recognize him as a Messiah, when the Anti-Christ appears, the Jews will mistakenly think the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) is the Messiah and therefore, they will follow him. Jews are likely to be among the main followers of Dajjal: "Seventy thousand of the Jews of Isfahan (a city in Iran) will follow the Dajjal, wearing cloaks." (Sahih Muslim).
The Dajjal will finally be killed by Prophet Jesus عليه السلام who will descend to Earth and spread peace.
Before we move on to his trials, many important questions need to be answered. 'Is he alive?' 'Which signs will precede him?' 'How will we recognise him?' and so forth.
The Dajjal is alive and chained in a remote Island
In a Hadith narrated by Fatima bint Qays, Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم   once gathered the Muslims in the mosque after prayer and said:
"I have kept you here because Tamim Ad-Dari, a Christian man who has embraced Islam, told me something which agrees with what I have told you about the Dajjal. He told me that he had sailed in a ship with thirty men from Banu Lakham and Banu Juzam. The sea waves rocked them about for a month, and finally drew them  toward an island around sunset time. They approached the island and landed. They were met by a beast that was so hairy that they could not tell its front from its back. They said: 'Woe to you! Who are you?' It said: 'I am al-Jassasah.' They said: 'What is al-Jassasah?' It said: 'O people, go to the man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you.’ Tamim said that when it named a person to us we left quickly fearing that it might be a devil.
Tamim Dari said we quickly went to the monastery. There, we found a huge man whom we had never seen before. His hands were tied up to his neck and his legs tied up with with iron shackles. We said: 'Woe to you, who are you?' He said: 'You will soon know about me. Tell me who you are.'
We said: 'We are people from Arabia. We sailed on a ship, but the waves have been tossing us around about for a month, and they brought us to your island, where we met a very hairy beast.  It said: 'I am al-Jassasah.' We asked: 'What is al-Jassasah?' and it told us: 'Go to the man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you.' So we came to you quickly.
The man said: 'Tell me about the date-palm trees of Bisan (town in Northern Palestine, near Jordan River, renamed by Israel as Beit She'an).' We said: 'What do you want to know about them'?' He said: 'I want to know whether these trees bear fruits or not.' We said 'Yes'. He said: 'Soon, they will not bear fruits.'
Then he said: 'Tell me about the Lake of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee in Northern Palestine).' We said: 'What do you want to know about it?' He said: 'Is there water in it'?' We said: 'There is plenty of water in it.' He said: 'Soon, it will become dry.'
Then he said: 'Tell me about the spring of Zughar (near the Dead Sea in Palestine).' We asked: 'What do you want to know about it'?' He asked: 'Is there water in it, and does it irrigate the land'?' We said: 'Yes, there is plenty of water in it, and the people use it to irrigate the land.'
Then he said: 'Tell me about the illiterate Prophet [Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ], what has he done?' We said: 'He has left Makkah and settled in Yathrib (Madina).' He said: 'Do the Arabs fight against him'?' We said 'Yes'. He said: 'How does he deal with them'?' So we told him that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  had overcome the Arabs around him and that they had followed him. He asked: 'Has it really happened?' We said 'Yes'. He said: 'It is better for them to follow him. Now I will tell you about myself. I am the Dajjal. I will soon be permitted to leave this place: I will emerge and travel about the Earth. In forty nights, I will pass through every town, except Makka and Tayba (Madina), for these have been forbidden to me. Every time I try to enter either of them, I will be met by an angel bearing an unsheathed sword, who will prevent me from entering. There will be angels guarding them at every route leading to them.'
Fatima bint Qays said: Then, the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  struck the minbar (pulpit) with his cane and said: 'This is Tayba, this is Tayba, this is Tayba,' meaning Madina. 'Did I not tell you this before?' The people said: 'Yes'. [The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم   said:] 'I liked the story of Tamim because it agrees with what I used to tell you about him and about Makka and Madina. But he is in the Syrian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) or the Yemeni Sea (Arabian Sea). No, rather he is in the East, he in the East, he is in the East,' and he pointed towards the East with his hand. She said: I memorized this from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم . ” (Sahih Muslim).

Signs that will precede him
1. The coming of Imam Mahdi
In light of many Hadiths, the Sunni scholars are of the opinion that Al-Mahdi will come before the Dajjal. The Dajjal will appear in the later part of Al-Mahdi's reign.
2. The Great Famine
There will be a famine for three years before his appearance. In the first year of the famine, Heaven will withhold one third of its rain and the Earth one third of its crops. In the second year of the famine, Heaven will withhold two thirds of its rain and the Earth will withhold two thirds of its crops. In the third year, there will not be a single drop of rain and not a single thing will grow. Thus, all the animals with hoofs and biting teeth will die and the Tasbeeh (mentioning Subhan-Allah) will suffice the believers' hunger. (Asma-bin-Yazeed/ Mishkat)
3. Dajjal's Parents
His father will be tall and thin and his nose will be pointed like a beak, while his mother will be fat with two long hands. They will both remain thirty years without a child. After thirty years, a son with visual impairment in one eye, biting teeth and of little benefit will be born to them whose heart will remain awake while his eyes sleep.  (Abu-Bakara / Tirmizi)
4. General signs that will precede Dajjal
From the Hadith of Umm Shareek which can be found in Sahih Muslim, we could conclude the Arabs/Muslims will be small in number (most probably, because the Dajjal appears after the famine, spread of epidemic diseases, and Armageddon War in which lots of Arabs/Muslims will die).

At the same time, we can conclude from the Hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah which can be found in An-Nihaya that very few people will be knowledgeable in Islamic religious principles and doctrines, and thus ignorance in religious matters will be prevalent.

Armageddon followed by the Conquest of Constantinople
After Muslims win Armageddon war against the European & American Christians, some time later, Muslims will conquer Constantinople with Takbir (without any battle or bloodshed). Then, the Dajjal appears.

6. Lake of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee) will dry up
According to the story of Tamim Ad-Dari, mentioned above, the Dajjal foretold that there will be no more water in this lake.

Dajjal's Physical Description & Characteristics
The Dajjal is a young1 , fat man, reddish in complexion3 , with a broad chest 4 ,and biting teeth5. He resembles Abdul Uzzah bin Qatad from the tribe of Khuza'a.6  His head will have coarse, curly hair8 . He has a hairy body7. On his forehead, the Arabic letters ك (ka), ف  (Fa),  ر (Ra)9  (which mean unbeliever) will be appear written between his eyes which every believer will be able to clearly see and read, regardless of whether the believer is literate or illiterate. He has a shining forehead10.. He walks briskly11. He has no children.12

1)   Nawwas bin Samaan /
Sahih Muslim                     7)   Sahih Muslim 
2)   Ibn Umar /
Sahih Bukhari / Sahih Muslim               8)  Nawwas bin Samaan / Sahih Muslim
3)   Ibn Umar/
Sahih Bukhari                                       9)  Anas bin Malik / Sahih Muslim
4)   Abu Huraira / Musnad Ahmad                             10)  Abu Huraira / Musnad Ahmad
5)   Abu Bakara / Tirmizi                                           11)  Ubiadah / Abu Dawud
6)   Nawwas bin Samaan /
Sahih Muslim                   12)  Abu Saeed al-Khudri / Sahih Muslim
Anas bin Malik narrated that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " The Dajjal,  between his eyes, is written   ك (K), ف  (F),  ر (R) , meaning Kafir (unbeliever)." (Sahih Muslim)
One of the most important distinctive features of the Dajjal is the fact he is Awar which means having one or two eyes deformed /disfigured:
- Most Hadiths indicate that the right eye is the seriously deformed /disfigured one; but some Hadiths indicate that it is the left eye.
- Most of the Hadiths that indicate both eyes are deformed /disfigured seem to portray that the condition of the right eye is more serious to the extent that he is most likely blind in his right eye, while the left eye is not blind, but just looks ugly .
Abdullah ibn Umar narrated that Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم  stood up amongst the people and then praised and glorified Allah as He deserved and then he mentioned the Dajjal, saying, "I warn you of him, and there was no prophet but warned his followers of him; but I will tell you something about him which no prophet has told his followers: Ad-Dajjal is Awar (has a deformed eye) whereas Allah is not." (Sahih Bukhari )
Ubada ibn Saamit narrates that the Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "I have explained Dajjal to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. The Dajjal Messiah will be short and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be Aja'd (coarse and curly). He will be Awar (has a deformed eye), while his other eye will be flat. It will be neither deep, nor protruding." 
Ibn Umar narrates from the Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم  regarding Dajjal, "…red complexioned, fat, with coarse hair, Awar (has a deformed eye) in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape." (Sahih Bukhari)
" The Dajjal will be Awar (has a deformed eye) in the right eye. He will have thick hair on his body ...." (Sahih Muslim)
Abdullah bin Umar narrated that Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم  said. "While I was sleeping, I saw myself (in a dream) performing Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Ka'ba (in Mecca). Behold, I saw a handsome (“reddish-white” according to some variations of this Hadith) man with straight hair, and water was dripping from his head. I asked, "Who is he?' They replied, 'The son of Mary'. Then I turned my face, and there was a stocky (fat)  man, with red complexion, coarse & curly hair, and Awar (with deformed eye). His eye looked like a floating grape. They said 'This is the Dajjal '. (The Prophet added) 'Among people who resemble him most is Ibn Qatan, a man from the tribe of Khuza'a'." (Bukhari)

Dajjal's Emergence & his Followers
After Muslims win Armageddon war against the European or Americans, some time later, Muslims will conquer Constantinople with Takbir (without any battle or bloodshed). While the Muslim armies are distributing the war possessions acquired as a result of conquering Constantinople, someone will announce that the Dajjal has appeared and causing Fitna (trials & tribulations) in your homes. On hearing this announcement, the Muslims will leave the war booty and head towards Syria. It will come to their knowledge that this was a false rumour. However, after reaching Syria, the Dajjal will truly emerge.

He will be accompanied by Demons  and Jewish magicians.

He will first claim to be a prophet and then claim to be God.

He will travel the World riding a white donkey (or mule), the two ears of which will be forty hands apart, moving at super speed, as fast as a cloud driven by winds (this could be a supersonic airplane). He will travel to the East and West entering every town on Earth, performing super-natural acts wherever he goes.

He will come out from a road between Syria and Iraq and his emergence will become known in Isfahan (city in Iran, signifies Iran in general) at a place called Yahoodah (this could be Qom, a holy city of Shia).

There is no Hadith that specifies the nationality, ethnic or religious background of the Dajjal. However, there is speculation that the Dajjal will be most likely a Jew (although there is small possibility that the Dajjal will be a Shia).
There are many Hadiths that mention  the Dajjal will have particular influence over women as well as Bedouins (this could signify "gullible" people).
We think his staunchest followers will most likely be Jews, Zionist Christians, and the Shia.
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said "Seventy thousands of the Jews of Isfahan (a city in Iran) wearing Persian shawls (or cloaks) will follow the Dajjal." (Anas bin Malik/ Sahih Muslim).

The "Jews of Isfahan" could be a reference to the Shia. It is well-known that there are few Jews left in Iran. So,  in this Hadith, the word "Jews" could mean people, such as the Shia, who act like Jews, in the sense that they disobey God and try to change God's religion.
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) told us in Hadith that " Allah will grant the Muslims victory over Dajjal and the Muslims will kill him and his Shia; when the Shia of Dajjal hide behind a tree or a stone, then the tree and the stone will say to the Muslim that there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." (Musnad Imam Ahmad #5099)
Is it simply a coincidence that this Hadith uses the Arabic word “Shia” to describe the followers of Dajjal?
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) also said:
“In every Ummah (nation), there are Magians (Zoroastrians) and the Magians of this Ummah (Muslim nation) are those who reject the Qadr (pre-destination). If anyone amongst them dies, do not attend their funeral, and if anyone amongst them becomes sick, don’t visit them and they are Shia of the Dajjal and it is the right of God to join them with the Dajjal.” (Sunan Abu Dawud #4072)
The Shia reject the concept of Qada (pre-destination) and instead have adopted the Mutazalite school of thought which rejects Qadr (pre-destination). The descendants of the Magians  are none other than the Persians who mix Magianism (Zoroastrian religion) with Islam. It is well-known that most of the Persians (Iranians) today are Shia. So, the Shia of Iran are the descendants of the Magians.

The reason why the Shia will follow the Anti-Christ is that they will think he is their Imam Madhi.  For more detailed information and analysis regarding the connection between the Shia and the Anti-Christ, click here.

Dajjal's Trials & Tribulations
1. Dajjal's Trickery, Deception, and Super-Natural Acts
Two angels resembling two Prophets, one on either side will accompany him. This will be to test mankind. Hence, Dajjal will ask, "Am I not your Lord (God) ? Do I not give life and death?" One of the angels will reply, "You are a liar." However, nobody will be able to hear this reply besides the other angel. The second angel addressing the first angel will say, "You are speaking the truth." Every body will hear what this second angel said and will think that an angel is testifying that the Dajjal is Allah though in reality this second angel was addressing the first and agreeing with his reply that the Dajjal is a liar.   (Safeena/ Musnad Ahrnad)
The Dajjal will cure those born blind, restoring their eyesight and cure the lepers.  (Abdullah bin Mugaffal/ Kanzul Unimal)
He will approach a Bedouin whose parents have passed away and will say to him, "Will you believe that I am your Lord if I bring your parents back to life?" The Bedouin will reply, "Yes." The demons, that are accompanying the Dajjal, will assume the appearance of his parents and say to the Bedouin, "Oh son believe in him and follow him, he is your Lord.' The Bedouin will be deceived into believing the Dajjal.   (Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaymah, and Al-Hakim).
He will come to another Bedouin and say, "Will you believe in me as your Lord if I bring your camel back to life?" "Yes", he will reply. He will make a figure for him like his camel, which will have a beautiful odour and a big hump.   (Asma bin Yazeed /Mishkat)
Furthermore, Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  has informed us, "He (the Dajjal) will have two flowing rivers. One (river) will appear to be pure water, and the other will appear to be flaming fire. Whosoever lives to see that, let him choose the river that seems to be fire, then let him close his eyes and drink from it, for it will be cold water...and the cool water will be fire." (Sahih Bukhari). A variation of this Hadith says: "Whoever meets the Dajjal and sees the water and the fire, he should fall in the fire and not the water, as the fire will actually be water and the water will actually be fire.'' (Huzaifah/Mishkat). Another variation of this Hadith "...he will also have Paradise and Hell with him. Though his Paradise will appear as Paradise, in reality it will be Hell, and likewise, though his Hell will appear like Hell, in reality it will be Paradise." (Muslim)
2. Dajjal faces Opposition
On hearing about the Dajjal, a true believer will head towards him. However, on the way, he will be stopped by Dajjal's soldiers and asked where he is intending to go. Replying that he is going to meet the person who claims that he is Allah, the soldiers doubting him will ask, ''Do you not believe in our Lord (Dajjal) ?'' He will reply there is nothing hidden about our Lord Allah so how can I take Dajjal as my Lord. Angry at his reply, they will decide to kill him. But all of a sudden, one of them will say, ''Hasn't our Lord (Dajjal) prohibited us from killing anyone without his permission?" Thus, they will take him to the Dajjal. On seeing the Dajjal, he will shout, "O people this is the Dajjal the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  mentioned and warned the believers of". Dajjal will give an order for him to be killed. He will be placed on his belly and severely beaten. He will be asked, "Do you still not believe in him?" "No! You are the lying Dajjal" he will reply. The true believer will then be cut into two pieces, the Dajjal will walk in between the two pieces and address him, "Stand up." The true believer will become alive and stand up in one piece. Yet again, he will be asked, "Do you now believe in me?" He will reply, "It has only added to my insight concerning you that you are really the Dajjal." The believer will then proclaim, "O people he will not be able to do anything to any man after me." The Dajjal angry at his refusal, will grab hold of him and place a knife between his neck and throat to slaughter him, but he will be unsuccessful as Allah will place copper in that area and the knife will find no way to penetrate. The Dajjal will grab hold of his hands and legs and throw him into the fire. However, the fire will turn into a pleasant garden for him. This person will be the greatest martyr in the eyes of Allah and achieve the highest position due to his first death, which was caused by severance of the body in two pieces. (Abu Saeed al-Khudri /Muslim)

3. Believers in Allah will face hardship while the believers in Dajjal will temporarily rejoice
He will come to some people claiming to be Allah and they will believe him. Upon his order, the sky will rain, and the Earth will produce crops  for these people. Their animals will graze on their land and return to them in the evening with large udders full of milk and their flanks full (stretched). Then, he will go to other people and call them, but they will refuse to believe in him. Without forcing them, he will leave. However, they will suffer great famine and will be left with no wealth. However, when these true believers wake up in the morning they will find that they are penniless and all their properties have been destroyed.   (Nawwas bin Samaan/Muslim)
He will pass by the wasteland and say: 'bring forth your treasures' and its treasures will follow him like swarms of bees'." (Sahih Muslim).
4. Dajjal's Greed
He will have a mountain of bread with him, but he will only give bread to those that believe and follow him.   (Jabir bin Abdullah/ An-Nihaya)
5. The Earth will uncover treasure at his command
Passing by a place in ruins, he will order it to
uncover its hidden treasure. The earth will immediately uncover its hidden treasure and the treasure will literally follow him wherever he goes  like bees following the queen bee.   (Nawwas bin Samaan/Muslim)
6. Dajjal lures Women
The Dajjal will make a stop at a place called Markanat (near Taif, Saudi Arabia). On hearing about his arrival, the women will rush towards him, the men will be forced to tie their mothers, daughters, and sisters fearing they will believe in him and get caught up in Fitna (trial and tribulation).   (Ibn Umar/ Musnad Ahmad)
Power in Jerusalem & Israel
In order to convince the Jews that he is the Messiah, the Dajjal will make Jerusalem the capital of his kingdom. The Aqsa Mosque will be destroyed by the Jews before the appearance of the Dajjal. The Temple of Solomon will be re-built.

Safe Haven of Makka and Madina
Anas bin Malik narrated that Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: "There will be no town the Dajjal will not visit, except Makka (Mecca) and Madina, for all their gates will be guarded by angels surrounding them. So, he will camp at the salt-marsh near Madina (other narrations specify Dajjal will camp in Ahud mountain near Madina). Madina will be shaken by three tremors (earthquakes), after which every disbeliever and hypocrite will leave it (to follow the Dajjal) ." (Bukhari and Muslim)
Abu Huraira narrated that Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: "The Dajjal will come from the direction of the East with the intention of attacking Medina until he camps behind Uhud (near Madina). Then, the angels (protecting Madina) will turn his face towards AsSham (Greater Syria) and there, he will perish." (Sahih Muslim)

Abu Huraira narrated that Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم   said: "There are angels guarding the mountain passes (entrances) of Madinah, neither plague nor Ad-Dajjal will be able to enter it." (Bukhari)

The End of the Dajjal
Losing hope of entering these holy places, Dajjal will turn towards AshSham (Greater Syria). The Mahdi will already have arranged a Muslim army and will be on the verge of leading the Muslims in morning prayer when Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will descend and kill the Dajjal. (Usamah / Ibn Majah)
Abu Huraria narrated that Prophet Muhammad  صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: "While the Muslims will be busy distributing the spoils (booty) of war (resulting from conquering Constantinople), Satan would shout: 'The Dajjal (Anti-Christ) has taken your place among your family (or in your land).' The Muslims would then come out, but will find that it is not true. And when they arrive to Al-Sham (Greater Syria), the Anti-Christ will come out.  While they (Muslims) are preparing to fight him, and drawing up their ranks, prayer time will come and then, Jesus the son of Mary will descend and join them in prayer. When  Allah's enemy (Anti-Christ) sees him (Jesus), it will dissolve just as the salt dissolves in water. If Jesus were to leave him (Anti-Christ) alone, he (Anti-Christ) would melt to death anyway, but Allah will have him (Anti-Christ) killed by his (Jesus') hand, and he (Jesus) will show the Muslims his (Anti-Christ's) blood on his (Jesus') spear." (Sahih Muslim)

Length of Dajjal's Rule
Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  said : "He (Dajjal) will rule on Earth for 40 days, but they will not be like other days. They are: 'Forty days, one of these days will be like a year, another day like a month, yet another like a week, and the rest (the remaining 37 days) will have the same length as normal days (this means the whole period will be like 439 days)'. The companions who were always concerned about the matters of faith and worship, asked Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  : 'O Messenger of Allah, for the day which is like a year, will one day's prayers be sufficient?' He said: 'No, you must estimate the time and observe the (regular daily) prayers'.” (Sahih Muslim). This means that the day will truly be lengthened, and it will not be due to the people's imagination.

Protection from Dajjal
1. Reciting of Surah  Al-Kahf
Reciting or memorizing certain verses of Surah Al-Kahf of the Quran  serves as a protective measure from the Dajjal's trials & tribulations:
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "Whoever memorises the first ten verses of Surah Al-Kahf will be safe from the Dajjal's Fitna (trials & tribulations)."   (Abu-Darda / Muslim)
The Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "He who recites three verses at the beginning of Al-Kahf will be protected from the trial of the Dajjal." (Abu-Darda / Tirmizi)
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "Whoever meets the Dajjal amongst you should recite the opening verse of Surah Al-Kahf onto him (Dajjal)."  (Nawwas bin Samaan / Muslim)
2. Seeking refuge in Allah
Whoever seeks Allah's refuge and protection from Dajjal's Fitna (trials & tribulations) especially in prayers (God willing) will be protected. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  used to say in prayers, "Oh Allah protect me from the punishment of the grave and protect me from Dajjal's Fitna (trials & tribulations)."   (Aisha / Bukhari / Muslim)
3. Staying far away
When the Dajjal appears, one should stay as far away from him as possible. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "Those who hear about the Dajjal should stay far from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking he is a believer, but on seeing his amazing acts, he may become his follower."  (Imran bin Hussain / Abu Dawud)
4. Safe Haven of Makka and Madina
 One should try to migrate to Makka or Madina, because the Dajjal will not be able to enter these two holy cities. Thus, one will be protected from his Fitna (trials & tribulations).  (Fatima bint Qais / Muslim)
5. Knowledge of  Allah's Attributes
One should seek Islamic knowledge especially knowledge of Allah's attributes. By possessing knowledge of Allah's attributes one will not be misled by the Dajjal. One should know that Allah is perfect, cannot be seen, and not in need of anything, while the Dajjal is imperfect, can be seen by both believers and non-believers and is in need of food and water.


Shia's 12th Imam (whom Shia are waiting for his appearance) is the Anti-Christ (the Dajjal)

Dajjal (Anti-Christ) by Salem Al-Amry 


The coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) part 1/7 

The coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) part 2/7 

The coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) part 3/7  

The coming of the  Antichrist (Dajjal) part 4/7 

The coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) part 5/7  

The coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) part 6/7  

The coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) part 7/7  



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