Monday, March 8, 2010

Very Important Announcement

The End Times & Last Day/Hour.

No one (except Allah & whomever Allah chooses) knows when the Day of Resurrection or Day of Judgement will occur. In this section of the web site, we do not make any predictions regarding when Day of Resurrection or Day of Judgement will happen. All the predictions presented in this section are about the Signs of the Hour/Day of Resurrection, but not the Hour/Day of Resurrection itself. Signs of that day have been mentioned by Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  and in the Quran.

If the End of State of Israel or the final loss of power for the Jews is going to be in 2022 as the numerical analysis of the Quran done by Muslim Scholar, Bassam Jarrar, seems to indicate, there are 2 main possible scenarios:
1. The present State of Israel will be conquered in 2022, either by the Muslims alone or by an alliance of Muslims & Europeans. This will be followed by the Big Battle with the Romans (Europeans). Then, Muslims will conquer Constantinople (Istanbul or a European city) and later all of Europe. Under this scenario, the Mahdi will appear most probably in 2015.
2. Year 2022 could be the year in which the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will be killed by Jesus and  Anti-Christ's followers (who are mainly the Jews) will be defeated by Muslims. This would signify the final power loss for the Jews. Under this scenario, the Big Battle with the Romans (Europeans) will probably occur in 2020 and will be followed by the conquest of Constantinople. The Mahdi, under this scenario, will appear sometime between 2013 and 2015.
The main events are:
1. A major change in the World is likely to start in 2012 (possibly on December 21, 2012), triggered by a unique astronomical/cosmic event, that will usher a new age.
2. The Mahdi will be given allegiance as a Caliph of Muslims, following the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (who is currently 84 years old). Several signs and events will precede the Mahdi, including natural disasters and possibly major wars (such as a war between the U.S. versus China and/or Russia ).
3. The Big Battle (Armageddon) between the Muslims and the Europeans is likely to occur and end in the victory of Muslims. Depending on which of the two possible scenarios actually occurs, either before or by the end of this battle, Israel will fall and Jerusalem will become the seat of the Islamic Caliphate. Then, Muslims will conquer Europe, bloodlessly, without any fight.
4. Once Muslims accomplish this, the Anti-Christ will appear. The Anti-Christ, with the support of evil Jews, may gain control of Jerusalem. The period of the Anti-Christ will be full of trials & tribulations.
5. Finally, Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) will return to Earth (the second coming) by descending from Heaven. He will kill the Anti-Christ in Lud, Israel. Then, Gog & Magog will attack the Muslims, Jesus will ask the Muslims to go to the mountains and he will ask God to get rid of Gog & Magog. Jesus will eventually be able to bring the remaining Christians and Jews to follow Islam.
A large portion of the World's population may die due to wars, natural & man-made disasters, etc.
What is the sequence of events?
The following Hadiths present the sequence of events:
Mu'az ibn Jabal narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Omran (the building) of Bayt Al-Maqdis (either Jerusalem or the Holy Place of Worship in Jerusalem such as Jewish Temple of Solomon) will be (lead to) Halak (the pillaging) of Yathrib (Madina in Saudi Arabia). The pillaging of Yathrib will be (lead to) the outbreak of the Big Battle (with the Romans). The outbreak of the Big Battle will be (lead to) the conquest of Constantinople. The conquest of Constantinople will be (lead to) the coming of Dajjal (Anti-Christ). Then, ... said: This is as true as you (Mu'az ibn Jabal) are here or you are sitting."  (Abu Dawud)
Jaber bin Samra based on Nafi bin Otba reports that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " ...You will march against (or attack) the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will open (conquer) it, then Persia and Allah will open (conquer) it. Then, you will march against (attack) the Romans' land and Allah will open  (or conquer) it. Then, you will march against (attack) the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) (or Dajjal's land), and Allah will open  (conquer) it." Then, Nafi said (to Jaber): "O' Jaber, we will not see the Dajjal emerge until the Romans' land has been conquered (by Allah for the Muslims)." (Sahih Muslim and Ibn Majah)
What will happen to the U.S., China, and Russia ?
These countries may face:
(a) Natural Disasters starting from Dec. 12, 2012: earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, epidemics, asteroids, etc. Some of the epidemics that will spread could be man-made.
(b) A major War between them:  As we have mentioned above, a war between them is very likely.  This war could be between the U.S. on one side and an alliance of China, Russia, and North Korea on the other side. Such a war may include usage of nuclear or biological weapons.
China regards the U.S., Japan and Russia as its competitors and enemies, but it will try to conquer them, one at a time. So, for example, China may enter into an alliance with Russia initially, but it will eventually attempt to conquer Russia. We expect that China will attack, defeat, and conquer  the U.S. and Japan (and perhaps Russia). We also believe China will also conquer Canada because it has a huge land, with very valuable natural resources, yet it is weak militarily. China is already planning for such wars. Read extremely important speeches by China's Minister of Defence about such plans for war.
As a result of this war, tens of millions of people may die.
What may trigger this war? Disputes over Korea, Taiwan, Venezuela, etc.
It is worth noting that there is no known Hadith attributed to Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  that mentions any major World War occurring immediately before the appearance of the Mahdi or afterwards, except the Al-Malhama (Big Battle - Armageddon) against the Romans (Europeans & Americans). However, it is possible that Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم did not mention such a war because it will not affect the Muslim countries directly.
1. Three Important Individuals
Muslims expect 3 important individuals to appear, before the Day of Judgment, in the following order: (a) Sunni Muslims' Al-Mahdi, (b) The Anti-Christ, (c) Jesus Christ,
Two of them are good men: (a) The Sunni Muslim Al-Mahdi, and (b) Jesus Christ.
The Anti-Christ will certainly be evil man (in Islam, he is referred to as the Dajjal, meaning the Deceiver).
It is worth noting that the Shia are expecting Imam Mahdi. The Shia claim that he is Al-Mahdi that prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم prophesied about. However, in depth research of Shia's reference books regarding the characteristics of Shia's Imam Mahdi indicates that he is an evil person and very likely to be the Anti-Christ himself. The followers of the Anti-Christ will be mostly the Jews and the Shia. For more in-depth analysis regarding  this frightening conclusion, visit the following page in our section about the Shia's beliefs: Shia's Al-Mahdi is likely to be the Anti-Christ.
2. Timing
Among the three important individuals, most likely, the Mahdi will appear first, then the Anti-Christ will appear sometime toward the end of the Mahdi's reign, and finally, Jesus Christ will descend, kill the Anti-Christ, and rule the world. Jesus will return as a Muslim and will not bring any new holy scripture.
One of the most important signs that will precede the Day of Resurrection is "The Sun rising from the West". There are two views regarding when it will occur :
1. It may occur before the emergence of the Dajjal and even before rise of the Mahdi.
2. It may occur after the descent of Jesus, but before the last three Major Signs (Pleasant Wind, Destruction of Ka'ba, and the Fire).
What is clear based on several Hadiths is that the Daabba will come immediately after or immediately before The Sun rising from the West.
3. Important Events & Signs in the End Times
     A.  The Fall of Israel An amazing book about the End of Israel, predicting that it will most likely happen in 2022 AD, based on numerical analysis of the Quran.
     B.  زوال إسـرائيل عام 2022م
     D.  Signs & Events in the End Times according to the Shia  According to a book written by a Shia researcher, the appearance of the Mahdi will be in 2015, descent from Heaven of Jesus will be in 2018, the emergence of the Anti-Christ will be in 2019, Armageddon & end of Israel will be in 2022.
In Islam, the Signs of the Day of Resurrection are divided into 2 groups:
     A. Minor Signs are expected to occur in the End Times. Generally speaking, the Minor Signs either: (a) precede the beginning of the Major Signs, or (b) occur after the beginning of the Major Signs, but they are not significant enough to warrant classifying them as Major Signs.
No single Hadith lists all the minor signs, but there are hundreds of minor signs mentioned in hundreds of Hadiths. These Hadiths do not usually mention that they are Minor Signs. On the other hand, there are Hadiths that all of the Major Signs. So, we can classify as Minor Signs, those signs not listed among the Major signs.
Today, almost all of the Minor Signs have been fulfilled. Minor Signs which have not been fulfilled include:
     (1) Major Earthquakes, Famines, Asteroids, and Epidemic diseases. Some of these Epidemic diseases could be intentionally produced and spread by evil powers, as a form of biological weapons.
     (2) Euphrates River (which passes through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq) will uncover a mountain of gold (meaning something very valuable). This may happen after the Major Signs & Events start appearing.
     (3) The return of the Arabs' land (Arabian Peninsula) to being green pastures and rivers, instead of its current condition as a desert. Based on Abu Huraira, Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: " The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come..... until the land of the Arabs (Arabian Peninsula) returns to being pastures and rivers." (Sahih Muslim). This means we should expect a major change in World climate.
     (4) Lake of Tiberias in Palestine (also known as Sea of Galilee) will dry up. This prophecy and sign is in the process of being fulfilled. The water in the Sea of Galilee is drying up. 

The Shia's Books mention two more signs:
(a) The Construction of Two Bridges: The Shia  believe the first bridge could be the bridge that connects Saudi Arabia to Bahrain which was completed in 1986. The second bridge they expect it to be the proposed bridge that will connect Saudi Arabia to Egypt. So far, Egypt has rejected the construction of such a bridge under pressure from Israel and the U.S. On the other hand, construction of a bridge connecting Qatar to Bahrain is expected to start this year, in 2010 and to be completed within 4-5 years.
(b) The Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (we wish him long life): In their books, the Shia attribute a Hadith to Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  (Shia claim it used to be reported in Musnad Ahmad, but was later removed) in which he mentions that the last man who will govern Al-Hijaz (the region that includes Mecca & Medina) before the Mahdi will be called Abdullah and he will be the successor of his brother who is named by the name of an animal. The previous king of Saudi Arabia was King Fahd (Fahd means leopard). It is worth noting that King Abdullah is currently 84 years old.
    B. Major Signs of the Day of Resurrection include the following:
1. Rising of the Sun from the West (instead of rising as usual from the East) This sign is a very important because after this sign occurs, God will no longer accept declarations of faith, belief in God, or repentance.
2. The Daabba This creature designates every person on the face of the Earth visibly either as a Believer or UnBeliever.
3. Sunni Muslims' Al-Mahdi
4. Shia's Imam Mahdi is likely to be the Dajjal (Anti-Christ)
5. The Dajjal (Anti-Christ)
6. The Return of Jesus Christ
7. Gog & Magog
8. Three Landslides  (one in the East, one in the West, and one in Arabian Peninsula)
9. Some Muslims will experience the following: Maskh (change in physical appearance such as a human becoming an animal), Khusf (landslide), and Qazf (bombardment).  It has been reported by several different narrators that Prophet Mohammad  صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "At the end of my nation (or around the Hour of Resurrection), there will be Maskh, Khusf, and Qazf." (Tirmizi & Ibn Maja)
10. The Smoke
11. The Pleasant Wind  (This is what is known in the Bible as "The Rapture") It will take the souls of all the remaining Believers. After this wind, only the UnBelievers will remain on Earth.
12. The Destruction of the Ka'ba
13. The Fire
14. The Trumpet will be sounded three times: (a) upon the first blow, everyone will feel terrified; (b) at the second blow, people will drop dead; (c) at the last blow, everyone will be resurrected (This is the Day of Resurrection)
The Day of Judgment  may occur a long time later than the Day of Resurrection.
It has been narrated that Abu Huraira said that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " Between the two blows (of the Trumpet), there are 40. They asked to Abu Huraira: "40 days?". Abu Huraira replied: I declined (to specify). They asked to Abu Huraira: "40 months?". Abu Huraira replied: I declined (to specify). They asked to Abu Huraira: "40 years?". Abu Huraira replied: I declined (to specify). Then, Allah will descend water (rain) from the sky so that they (the dead people) will grow (flesh & bones) the same way grains grow (from seeds planted in the soil)..." (Sahih Muslim)  This means that water from the sky will help in growing and reconstructing the bodies of dead people in their graves. Another narration indicates that the period in between the blowing of the Trumpet is 40 years.

5. Video-taped Lectures about Signs of the Day of Resurrection:
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the lectures do not necessarily reflect our views.
1. Signs of the Day of Resurrection (Mahdi, Anti-Christ, Jesus, etc.)  by Sheikh Imran Hosein  (He provides non-traditional views about what to expect between now and the Day of Resurrection.
2. The Mahdi  by  Yasir Qadhi
3. The Mahdi  by  Tawfique Chowdhury
4. The Dajjal (Anti-Christ)  by  Dr. Bilal Philips
5. The End Times   by  Hamza Yusuf


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