Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog and Magog)

They are known as Ya'juj and Ma'juj (or Ajuj and Majuj). The Bible refers to them as Gog and MaGog. The emergence of the mighty tribes of Ya'juj and Ma'juj is also a major sign of Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection).
Allah says in the Qur'an, "When Ya'juj and Ma'juj are let loose (from their Barrier) and they swiftly swarm from every mound..."   (Surah Al-Anbiya  21: 96)
Allah says in the Qur'an, " (Zul-Qarnain) said, 'This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it (the barrier) down  to the ground. And the promise of my Lord is ever true."   (Surah Al-Kahf)
In the lengthy Hadith of Nawwas-bin-Saman, it has been mentioned, "And Allah will send Yajuj and Ma'juj and they will come from every lofty place."  (Muslim)

Ya'juj Ma'juj and Zul-Qarnain
Thousands of years ago, the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj were imprisoned behind an iron wall built by Zul-Qarnain. Referred to in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Kahf, Zul-Qarnain was was a pious and just king. He believed in Allah as the one and only god. Allah provided him with all forms of strength through which he was able to carry his conquests. He is a mysterious figure. Zul-Qarnain seems to be just a title which has two meanings in Arabic: (a) the one who has two horns, (b) the one who affects two Ages.  It is unknown who he is or the period in history in which he actually lived and ruled. Many scholars have suggested that he could be Alexander the Great because Alexander the Great is known in Arabic as Alexander Zul-Qarnain. However, many modern Muslim scholars disagree with this conclusion because Alexander the Great was not a monotheistic believer in God.
Once Zul-Qarnain carried out a expeditions in three directions, the far West, far East, and then in a northerly direction. Travelling first in the westerly direction, Zul-Qarnain conquered the lands he passed through establishing the laws of Allah therein until he reached the setting of the sun. There, Zul-Qarnain met people  that didn't believe in Allah. Given a choice of punishing them for their Kufr (Disbelief) or being lenient by inviting them first to Islam; he chose the latter and addressed them, ''Those evil-doers who do injustice to themselves by rejecting Allah will be punished by death in this World and the hereafter, the fire of Hell is their abode. As for those who accept  the invitation and believe in Allah, they will be treated leniently and in the hereafter Paradise is their place of rest.''
After the expedition towards the West, Zul-Qarnain made preparation for the expedition towards the East. Conquering the lands he passed through, establishing he laws of Allah therein. Zul-Qarnain continued travelling in an easterly direction until he reached the rising of the sun. In this area of the East, he saw a nation receiving the sunshine without any obstruction. He dealt with them in the same manner he dealt with the people in the West.
After the expedition to the East, Zul-Qarnain started his northern expedition. He kept on travelling until he reached the midst of two mountains, it was here that Zul-Qarnain came across a tribe who complained to him about the tribes of Ya'juj and Ma'juj. Ya'juj and Ma'juj inhabited the land behind the mountains, plundered them, committed bloodshed, and then ran away. Observing Zul-Qarnain's power, they asked to set a barrier in return for a tribute for their protection from the atrocities and bloodshed, which they often bore at the hands of Ya'juj Ma'juj. Refusing to accept any tribute, he built an iron wall (or barrier) with their help which Ya'juj Ma'juj could not cross or pierce. (Qurtubi, Ibn-Kathir)

The Wall of Zul-Qarnain
Many different opinions have been expressed as to the location of the iron wall of Zul-Qarnain.
According to Sheikh Hifzur-Rahman's "Stories of the Qur'an": "The Yajuj Ma'juj caused destruction and blood-shed in a vast area, and because of their oppression, many barriers and walls were erected in different times and places by different kings.
Four being the most famous:
1) The Great Wall of China which was built by the Chinese King Fagfor 3460 years after Prophet Adam
عليه السلام was put on the Earth.
2) The wall in Central Asia near Bukhara and Tirmiz in a place called Derbent.
3) The wall in Dagestan, Russia also known as Derbent near the Caspian sea.
4) The wall which is in the westerly direction to the third in the region of the Caucasus.
It has always been very difficult to determine exactly which one of the walls was built by Zul-Qarnain.
Sheikh Hifzur-Rahman writes, "The biggest out of the four is the Great Wall of China and nobody is of the opinion that this is the wall built by Zul-Qarnain as it is in the easterly direction while the Qur'an indicates the wall of Zul-Qarnain is in the Northerly direction."
Thus leaving walls 2, 3, and 4.
He writes, "Historians like Masoodi, Istakhari and Hamawi are of the opinion that the wall of Zul-Qarnain is wall number 3 or 4. Those that have said it is wall number two have confused the issue due to having 2 Derbent cities, one near Bukhara and the other in Dagestan.... Master of Hadith, Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri in his book Aqeeda-tul-Islam holds the opinion that the wall of Zul-Qarnain is wall number 4, the one in the region of  Caucasus."

Break Free of the Iron Wall
Their emergence, which is one of the signs of the Hour.  However, its first indications were present during the time of the Prophet. Zainab-bint-Jahsh says: "Once the Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم   awoke from such a sleep that his face was red and uttering the following words with his tongue, ' There is none worthy of worship but Allah. Destruction is upon the Arabs due to the evil which has come close to them. Today a hole has been opened in the barrier (wall) of Ya’juj and Ma’juj, like this ', and he made a circle with his index finger and thumb indicating the size of the hole."   (Bukhari, Muslim)
Few years after the death of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, one of Muslim caliphs (ruler) sent an expedition to check out the iron wall built by Zul-Qarnain and they discovered that it had already been ruined. So, that means Gog & Magog (or at least a portion of them) have already been set free and they are roaming the World, spreading mischief, oppression and disobedience to God.

Many myths surround Ya'juj and Ma'juj. One being that the common people believe that Ya'juj and Ma'juj are not human beings, but some kind of third being. How interesting it may be to believe that they are a third being, the reality is that they are human beings just like yourself and I, constitute nine-tenths of mankind and are from the progeny of Prophet Noah  عليه السلام.
The Holy Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Ya'juj and Ma'juj are the children of Prophet Adam عليه السلام  and not one will die until thousand are born to him.'' (Abdullah-bin-Amr/Fathul-Bari).
The Messenger of Allah  صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "Allah divided mankind into ten parts. Nine tenths constitute Ya'juj and Ma'juj while the remaining one tenth constitutes the rest of mankind."  (Abdullah-bin-Amr/Fathul-Bari).
Hadrat Abu Saeed Khudri narrates that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said, "On the Day of Judgement, Allah will tell Adam عليه السلام  to pick out the Jahanamis (people destined to Hell) from his progeny. Adam عليه السلام will ask, "O Allah, who are they?" Allah will say,"999 out of 1000 are Jahanamis while the one is a Jannati (people destined to Paradise)." On hearing this, the Sahaba over taken by fear asked, "Who will the ONE Jannati (people destined to Paradise) be?" The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم  replied, "Do not grieve the 999 will be Yajuj Ma'juj while you will be the one Jannati (people destined to Hell)."   (Bukhari/Muslim)
A second myth is that people believe that Ya'juj and Ma'juj were created from Adam عليه السلام  without Eve (Hawa)  عليه السلام on the basis of Ka'ab's narration, "They are from the children of Adam. That is Adam  عليه السلام had a wet dream, the semen intermingled with the earth and they were created from that Earth."   (Fathul-Bari)
It should be noted that this narration is very weak and objectionable as it is proven from many Hadiths that the Prophets of Allah do not have wet dreams because the wet dream is from Satan and the Prophets of Allah are protected from Satan.
Secondly there is a Hadith which can be found in Fathul-Bari that clearly states that they are from the progeny of Prophet Noah  عليه السلام. The Prophet Noah  عليه السلام was definitely from the children of Adam  عليه السلام and Eve عليه السلام .

Physical Appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj
There are many different narration's regarding their appearance. These different narrations suggest that Yajuj and Ma'juj are of three types:
1) Some are as tall as the tree Arz - that is 120 ft.
2) Some are four arm lengths tall and four arm lengths wide.
3) Some spread one ear to sleep on and cover themselves with the other. Some also state that they are two spans tall and the tallest amongst them are three spans. (Fathul-Bari)
It should be noted that all the narrations above are weak and should not be taken seriously. The authentic Hadiths like the Hadith of Nawwas bin Saman in Muslim suggests that they are very strong and powerful people whom nobody has the power to fight. It has also been narrated that they have wide faces, small eyes, grey hair and their faces are like shields covered with skin. (Musnad Ahmad)

Emergence of Ya'juj Ma'juj before Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection)
A short period after killing the Dajjal, Prophet Jesus عليه السلام will be informed of the release of Ya'juj and Ma'juj. Obeying Allah's command, Jesus  عليه السلام will take the Muslims to Mount Tur for their protection as nobody will be able to kill the Ya'juj Ma'juj. Ya'juj and Ma'juj will come forth from every lofty place causing destruction and bloodshed wherever they go. Their first batch of Ya'juj and Ma'juj will come to  Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee)  and drink all of its water. Their last batch will come to it and say, "There was once water in this lake."

Marching on, carrying out pillage and murder to their left and right, they will come to mount of Khamr (a mountain in Jerusalem) and say, "We have killed the inhabitants of the Earth, let us now kill the inhabitants of Heaven." Thus, they will shoot their arrows towards the sky. Allah will return the arrows covered with blood and these fools will think they have killed those in Heaven. Meanwhile, Prophet Jesus
عليه السلام  and his companions will remain confined until the head of an ox becomes more valuable than 100 gold coins. Prophet Jesus عليه السلام  and his companions will pray to Allah for the destruction of Ya'juj and Ma'juj. Allah, answering their prayer, will send insects (or worms) attacking (biting) the necks of Ya'juj Ma'juj. In the morning, they will be found dead.
In the narration of Abu Saeed al- Khudri which can be found in Tadkhira of Imam Qurtubi, it has been mentioned; the believers not able to withstand the noise (of  Ya'juj and Ma'juj as they are being attacked by the insects/worms) that morning will say 'Will anybody sacrifice his life and see what is going on?' Volunteering, a believer will come down from the mountain thinking that he will never return . However to his surprise, he will find that they are all dead and he will shout, "Good news! Your enemy is dead." Prophet Jesus عليه السلام  and his companions will come down, but will find that the Earth is full with their stinking corpses. So, again Prophet Jesus عليه السلام  and his companions will turn to Allah and pray. Allah will send birds with necks like the necks of Bactarian camels which will carry the corpses and throw them where Allah wishes. Thereafter, Allah will send rain and the Earth will be cleaned.  (Nawwas-bin-Samaan/Muslim)

Nawwas ibn Sam'an narrated that Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  said:
" .... (After the Dajjal appears with his trails and tribulations,) it will at this very time that Allah will send the Messiah, son of Mary. He will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, there will fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he raises it up, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every non-believer who smells the odour of his body will die and his breath will reach as far as he is able to see. He will then go after (the Dajjal) until he catches him at the gate of Ludd and kills him. Then, a people whom Allah had protected will come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he will wipe their faces and inform them of their ranks in Paradise.
It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus the following words: 'I have brought forth from among My servants such people against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur (mountain).' Then, Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every slope. The first of them (Gog and Magog) will pass the lake of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it. And when the last of them passes, he will say: 'There was once water there.'
Jesus and his companions will then be besieged here (at Tur mountain, and they will be so hard pressed) to the extent that an ox will be more valuable to them than one hundred Dinars (Arabic currency). Allah's Messenger  صلى الله عليه وسلم said, Jesus, and his companions will supplicate to Allah, Who will send to them (Gog and Magog) insects (which will attack their necks) and in the morning, they would perish as one single person. Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said, Jesus, and his companions will then come down (from Tur mountain) and they will not find as much space as a single span that is not filled with decomposed remains of Gog and Magog's corpses. Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم   said, Jesus, and his companions will then supplicate to Allah who will send birds whose necks would be like those (the necks) of Bactrian camels and they will carry them (Gog and Magog) away and throw them where Allah wills.
Then Allah will send rain which no house of mud-bricks or (tent of) camel-hair will keep out and it will wash the Earth until it resembles a mirror. Then, the Earth will be ordered (by Allah) to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and, as a result thereof, pomegranate will grow that will be enough for a group of people to eat and seek shelter under its skin. A dairy cow will give so much milk that (will be enough for) a group of people to drink. The milking camel will give so such milk that a whole tribe will be able to drink from it...
At that time, Allah will send a pleasant wind which will soothe (people) even under their armpits. He will take the life of every Muslim and only the wicked will survive who will commit adultery like donkeys and the Last Hour would come to them."  (Sahih Muslim)

Who are the Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and MaGog) ?
Neither the Quran nor the Hadith specify explicitly the identity, nationality, ethnic or religious background of Ya'juj and Ma'juj. However, by analyzing what the Quran and the various Hadiths, as well as the Bible, one may develop certain hypothesis regarding who Ya'juj and Ma'juj might be.
There are 3 possibilities currently being advocated. Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog & Magog) could be one of the following 3 groups:
1. Chinese: This hypothesis is based on the fact that China is superpower, with nuclear military power, population (1.3 billion) and is growing economically at high rate. The majority of Chinese are atheists, and are governed by a ruthless and barbaric regime. To read how the Chinese Minister of Defence has argued for the need for war and world domination, click here. We expect that after the Dajjal is killed and his supporters are defeated by the Muslims, China (as Gog & Magog) will attack the Muslims.
2. Unknown Savage People: They may appear in the End Times suddenly.
3. Jews, particularly Khazar Jews, Zionists, Countries controlled by Zionists: It is well-known that most of the Jews today are not from the original 12 tribes of Israel, but rather are descendants of the Khazars who converted to Judaism hundreds of years ago. The word Ya'juj or  Ajuj can be written as YaJewj or YaJews. Similarly, Ma'Juj could be written as MaJewj or MaJews. So, the words themselves are certainly hinting at the connection between Yajuj & Majuj on one hand and the Jews on the other hand. In English, they are known as Gog and MaGog  because what in Arabic is pronounced and written as J , in  in Hebrew is pronounced as G (Hebrew is influenced by Egyptian). Today, Egyptians pronounce an Arabic J as G ). It is also worth noting that Jews are called " Yahud" in Arabic so that may explain why "Ya" appears in the beginning of the word "Ya'Juj".
Linguistically, based on Arabic Grammar, the word MaJewj refers to people who have become (or have been made / turned into) yaJewj (or Jews or yahud), meaning Judaicized. So, MaJewj could be referring to the Khazar Jews. However, the word MaJewj could alternatively be referring to all people who are influenced by the Zionist Jews and follow Satan & the Anti-Christ, such the Christian Zionists and countries controlled by the Zionists such the U.S.

The Khazars
According to Arnold J. Toynbee's  A Study of History, Vol. V - pp. 284 - 289 :
Of the three Nomad empires on the Great Western Bay of the Eurasian Steppe that are here under consideration, the Empire of the Khazars is the most interesting—and this not only in itself but also in virtue of the reaction which it evoked from the transfrontier barbarians in the Northern Forest and on the farther side of it.

The Khazars were deposited at the mouth of the Great Western Bay, between the Lower Volga and the Lower Don, about the middle of the sixth century of the Christian Era, by the same explosion that blew the [Pseudo-]Avars into the Hungarian Alfold and the Magyars into the Black Sea Steppe between Don and Dniestr and the Turks into the Oxus-Jaxartes Basin; and at the moment of their simultaneous emergence above the horizon of the neighbouring sedentary societies, the Khazars gave no sign that they had any greater capacity for civilization than these other Nomads in front of them or than the Pechenegs and Ghuzz and Cumans in their rear.

Khazaria kingdom map

For more information about Khazar Jews and their connection to Gog & Magog, visit:


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